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BTEC HSC Subsidiary M1 task.

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1 BTEC HSC Subsidiary M1 task

2 M1 – due In order to achieve M1, you will be required to write a report which outline and explain the effects of discriminatory practices in the context of the 4 case studies which you watched for your P3 task. You will need to identify: The effects on the victims, The effect on the person discriminating, The effects on the organisation.

3 Structure Introduction – clearly identifying what is meant by the term discriminatory practices and listing them; 4 paragraphs – general context of the case study, identification of the effects relevant to the case study, effect of the on the victim, perpetrators, and the organisation; Conclusion – using the information of your report come to final conclusion with regards to the effects of discriminatory practices, and its effect on victims, perpetrators and organisation.

4 Introduction What are discriminatory practices ? Why do they occur ?

5 Paragraphs x 4 What were the practices occurring?
What examples of those practices are evident – detailed examples required. What were the effects of those practices ? Hiw did that make the victims feel? How did that make the perpetrators feel ? What is one positive impact and one negative effect this might have had on the organisation?

6 Conclusion What can be overall conclusion made with regards to the impact of discriminatory practices and its effects on organisations, victims and perpetrators?

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