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Character Analysis: L/O – to analyse their Papa

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1 Character Analysis: L/O – to analyse their Papa
The big question: How is the father presented as two people? Unpick the question: What do we mean by two people? What external pressures was the father facing? How do these pressures manifest themselves? Is this acceptable or not? What could he have done differently? Who suffers as a result of the father’s behaviour? How do they suffer? What was Adichie trying to help us understand? Create a column in your book and write as many examples of the two presentations of the father as you can Public Self Private Self Answer the big question Success Criteria: Answer the question Explores examples from the novel and links these Uses the three adjectives/ideas to drive the argument Analyses using – What – How – Why to show understanding of character Embeds context Explores the effect of language using terminology Finding examples: Public persona Private persona Take a page in your book. Draw an arrow above the line write the public details/events/quotes from the book and underneath write the private details/events/quotes. Students should use their KO to help with the 1 – 7 questions

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