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Clicker Preparation Web Address – Go to

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Presentation on theme: "Clicker Preparation Web Address – Go to"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clicker Preparation Web Address – Go to
Enter the Session ID: fkhealth and click on “Join Session” to begin It will say “Polling Closed” N.B. not .com but .eu Web url = Session ID = fkhealth

2 How did you get here today?
Train/Underground Bus Walked Car Cycled Motorbike

3 The Great Staff Student Debate
GCU Learning and Student Experience Event: JUNE 2019 Dr Fiona Kennedy AND DR LARISSA KEMPENAAR School of health and life sciences

4 The idea

5 Theme: Social Media: Your place or mine?
WhatsApp should be promoted as a tool for students and staff to communicate with each other

6 The format for today Debate is opened; ground rules, introduction of the topic and the two teams Team A opening argument (max 5 mins) Team B opening argument (max 5 mins) Team A follow up argument and rebuttal (max 3 mins) Team B follow up argument and rebuttal (max 3 mins) Floor opened for debate : questions from the audience and debate amongst the teams Team A concluding statement (max 2 mins) Team B concluding statement (max 2 mins) Audience polling and confirmation of winning debate team

7 Ground rules Teams to have their allocated time for presentation and rebuttal; no interruptions Adherence to time; bell will sound 30 seconds prior to maximum allocated time Person taking the floor should stand when addressing the group Questions by invitation from the Chair (raise hand to pose a question; stand and introduce self prior to asking question) Chair will not engage in debate Chair will not have a vote

8 WhatsApp should be promoted as a tool for students and staff to communicate with each other
Proposing opposing Team A Larissa Kempenaar and Susan Horne Team B Yvonne Wayne and Stephanie Robertson

9 The decision is yours…. Turning Point to poll for decision on winning debate team

10 Which team is your winner
Which team is your winner? WhatsApp should be promoted as a tool for students and staff to communicate with each other Team A : WhatsApp SHOULD be promoted Team B : WhatsApp should NOT be promoted Web url = Session ID = fkhealth

11 Evaluation and feedback

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