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PRACTICUM 2 JTAMS PRE-CDR ANALYSIS 19 October FY 3 PM JTAMS / PM JUGGERNAUT TEAM # ____ Each team will develop the assigned practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided. See the situation and artifacts document and additional information in the Job Aids folder as appropriate. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard and Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) NOTE: See the last slide (slide 14) for information to assist you in preparing your slides. Team Members Practicum 2 Student Instructions: Each team will develop the practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided, the given scenario, and the artifacts provided in the Job Aids folder. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard/Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) Teams have 2 hours for research and development of the practicum solution. Additional slides can be developed to address the requirements identified on the templated slide. PRACTICUM 2
JTAMS PDSS Risk Assessment
Conduct a Risk Assessment of the JTAMS software development effort. Identify three(3) Post Deployment Software Support (PDSS) risks. (NOTE: Identify one for PAMS, one for OBD, and one for Juggernaut) Risk Statement #1 (PAMS): Risk Statement #2 (OBD): Risk Statement #3 (Juggernaut): Risk Analysis Overview for Risk #1 (PAMS) PRACTICUM 2 See Practicum 2 Situation – information is in the overall situation Risk Mitigation Strategy for Risk 1 (PAMS): I Initial F Final P C S Adjust Risk Matrix Expectation consistent with Mitigation Planning REFERENCES: P2 Situation and Risk lesson
PAMS Risk Burn Down Plan
HIGH MED-HIGH Calendar Months LOW-MED 1 2 3 n 4 TIME NOW Action 1 2 3 4 5 LOW Use this slide to provide the details of your plan for Risk #1 (PAMS) Place actions on Burn Down Chart consistent with Mitigation Planning Cost and schedule implications P2 Situation and Risk lesson
Program Protection Plan Analysis
Identify the key players in the development and sustainment of the PPP: What is the final assessment regarding CPI and CF? CPI CF PRACTICUM 2 The students should use the information from the Artifacts (Artifact (pp 4-7)) and Program Protection plan documents (Program Protection Plan for JRATS, JTAMS PPP v4) PPP documents (2); Artifact (pp 4-7); Cybersecurity lesson
Award Fee Criteria Analysis (JTAMS)
Award Fee Weights For Period 1 (25 Jun FY2 After SRR) 6.1 Risk Management = .4 Why? Because this must be done up front 6.2 Configuration Management = .2 6.3 Interface Control = .1 Why? We don’t lock in until PDR so not as relevant now 6.4 Formal Inspections = 0 Why? We have nothing to inspect at this time 6.5 End-to-End Requirements Traceability = .3 Why? Controlling Requirements is Key to a Successful Program and has a HUGE impact on overall quality! Award Fee Weights For Period 2 (16 Nov FY3 After PDR) 6.1 Risk Management = Why? 6.2 Configuration Management = Why?) 6.3 Interface Control = 6.4 Formal Inspections = 6.5? = practicum 2 See: situation/Artifacts (pp 13-14) and Job Aids (contract) NOTE: PM Juggernaut was provided the Contract modification that added our Five Award Fee Areas See: Artifact – full contract is in job aids - SEE JTAMS CONTRACT, SECTION H.6; AWARD FEE DETERMINATION We have awarded a Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF) contract to JUGGERNAUT (See Job Aids) for the JTAMS effort. Using the contract, task 2 is to: (1) identify the Government Software Quality Performance Statement (Goals of Program); (2) given Section H and Section H.6.1 Risk Management Award Fee Determination (AFD) as an example, determine the Award Fee Area for Section H.6.2, H.6.3, and H.6.4 based on the criteria listed; (3) for Section H.6.5, you come up with your own Award Fee Area based on the Government Software Quality Goals; (4) Fill in the Award fee table weights for Contract Performance Period 2 and explain why you gave the areas the weights you did. Note: for Section H.6.5, identify an Award Fee Area based on Government Software Quality Goals situation/Artifacts (pp 13-14) and Job Aids (contract)
Real-time Engine Data Rights Analysis
# COA Cost ($) or H/M/L Schedule (Months or H/M/L) DR (R, GP, U) Risk and Risk level (L, M, H) 1 Challenge the V-Robotics assertion Low High GP H potential for cost/schedule 2 Negotiate for Government Purpose Rights 15M N/A M (schedule risk) 3 Develop the Real-time software engine to support MRES 4 Accept Juggernaut’s assertion and agree to the limited rights associated 5 Allow another contractor to do the work 6 Student identified COA Which option is the best from a Government perspective and why? Which option is best from Juggernaut’s perspective and why? Which option is your recommended option and why? PRACTICUM 2 Instructions: Identify and assess COA’s for addressing the data rights issue - for the real-time engine. You are required to develop another COA – row 6 on the slide. There is data in the contract that can give you cost and schedule impacts for some of the COA’s - estimate or use the H/M/L approach if you do not have cost or schedule information Do not just identify risk as H/M/L – explain the factors that went into your risk assessment – what is the risk, etc? Use the lesson material from the contracting lesson and any references for that lesson to understand “Restricted Rights” “Government Purpose Rights” and “Unlimited Rights”: Identify the risks the Government might incur: JTAMS contract; Artifact (pp 13-14) and Situation; Contracting
Provide an assessment given the key indicators Worksheet #1 Indicator Interpretation of measures Program Implications JRATS External Interfaces The total number of Identified External Interfaces has remained fairly steady (with a slight increase). As of May FY2, there were a large number that were Approximated and relatively few that were Approved. The approximated interfaces introduce a huge area of risk in the program. As of Oct FY2, there still remains over 100 Approximated interfaces and only about half of the have been Approved. There are still 42 undefined interfaces. There remains a lot of work to be done to finalize the interfaces, and a lot of risk. From a traditional perspective these measures indicate at best ‘slow’ progress! Significant backlog remains! All external interfaces should be specified (or mostly specified) by CDR time. Current trend indicates that all interfaces will NOT be specified by that time. JTAMS Subsystem Interfaces Requirements Volatility Drill-Down – Requirements Volatility by Subsystem Defects – Open, Closed, Backlog Defects by Priority PRACTICUM 2 see job Aids (Practicum 2 JRATS_JTAMS Measures) Instructions: 1.Review the set of measures and complete Worksheet #1. 2.Do an integrated analysis. Perform a causal analysis to identify root causes and underlying problems. Provide a summary for the two or three major issues, describing the problems, impacts, risks, potential outcomes, and alternatives. Document your analysis on Worksheet #2. Practicum 2 JRATS_JTAMS Measures; Situation; Measures, Design, Quality lessons
Summarize your analysis Worksheet #2 Problems: Summarize the problems in the areas of: JRATS External Interfaces; JTAMS Subsystem Interfaces; Rgmnts Volatility; Defects by Priority. Impacts: Describe the implications for Software Quality. Alternatives: List the alternative courses of action you would consider for this project PRACTICUM 2 see job Aids (Practicum 2 JRATS_JTAMS Measures) Instructions: 1.Review the set of measures and complete Worksheet #1. 2.Do an integrated analysis. Perform a causal analysis to identify root causes and underlying problems. Provide a summary for the two or three major issues, describing the problems, impacts, risks, potential outcomes, and alternatives. Document your analysis on Worksheet #2. Practicum 2 JRATS_JTAMS Measures; Situation; Measures, Design, Quality lessons
Agile Measures Analysis
explain what happened w/ respect to Release 4 identify the work completed, work in progress and the work remaining on 02/01/03. Work Remaining Explanation Work Complete In-Progress See Job Aids\AMRU Release 4 Status Report See Job Aids\AMRU Release 4 Status Report
Key Software-Related Questions for CDR
Management metrics relevant to life cycle phase: (Latest Cost Estimate) CDR Checklist Question Answer and Discussion Has the software cost estimate been updated based upon actual measured project software development performance and productivity to date? There is no evidence of an updated cost estimate. Identify 3 implications for the JTAMS program (explain your answers): Has cost of acquiring, licensing and configuring COTS and / or GOTS computer hardware and software been considered? JTAMS is being built from TAMS (GOTS SW/HW). Identify 3 implications for the JTAMS program (explain your answers): What caused a change in the software cost since the beginning of the project, if any? Based on what we know about the TAMS subsystems and the JTAMS requirements, Identify 3 factors that would cause changes in SW cost for JTAMS (explain your answers): practicum 2 NOTE: Apply the questions identified to the JTAMS situation. See the Cost Factor Cheat sheet (used in Lesson 11) for review of cost factors.
Software Development Planning
Explain AMRU’s expected benefits or rationale for using Agile development: What concerns does the V-Robotics have concerning their subcontractor AMRU? Assess AMRU’s Agile development approach and determine which aspects are in keeping with a lean approach. Recommend areas where AMRU might benefit from using additional Lean concepts. Lean Concept Description Addressed in AMRU overview Recommended for AMRU Sw Dev Plan (Describe expected benefit) Inventory in software development. In knowledge work such as software development, we can think of inventory as being maintained in documentation and in non-deployed software. No Establish a policy or procedures for documentation; minimize non-deployed SW Motion in software development. Motion in team members is manifested through activities like travel time, walking to meetings, task-switching between projects and work interruptions Waiting in software development. Examples include waiting for milestone and change request approvals and sign-offs, waiting for clarifications and elaborations from sponsors and analysts, waiting for builds and testing to complete, waiting for your turn in meetings and conference calls, waiting for deployment schedules and architectural and code reviews. Over-production in software development. over-production in software development occurs when we build features that are either 1: never or rarely used or that are 2: deployed prematurely Over-processing in software development. Over or redundant processing in software includes low and no value meetings and conference calls, duplicative approvals, redundant reporting, redundant specifications, over-engineering code and gold-plating specifications, design and code reviews that don’t result in technical improvements Transport in software development. waste of translating and handing-off customer requirements through subsequent phases such as functional specifications, UML diagrams, source code and tests Defects in software development. Testing and inspections that do not result in finding bugs are considered defect waste in software development. Other examples are features that were implemented but were never requested, inaccurate specifications, production bugs, and substandard user experience. PRACTICUM 2 See: See: situation and Artifacts (pp 15-19) The answers to question comes from a review of the s in the Job Aids The answers can be found in the job aids when-you-are-agile-you-get-lean Situation, Artifact p15-19 SW Dev, CPI lessons
Summary – Are We Ready for CDR?
Completion of the CDR should provide the following: (1) An established system initial product baseline Status: (2) An updated risk assessment for EMD (3) An updated CARD (or CARD-like document) based on the system product baseline (4) An updated program development schedule (5) An approved Life-cycle Sustainment Plan Government and Juggernaut Assessment: Are we ready for CDR? practicum 2 For this point in the development effort: Summarize our readiness for CDR. Read the Student Situation
TEMPLATE SLIDE JOB AID FILE Situation/ARTIFACT LESSON REFERENCE 2-3 N/A Situation Risk Management 4 PPP documents (2) Artifact (pp 4-7) Cybersecurity 5 JTAMS contract Artifact (pp 8-12) and Situation Contracting 6 Contract Artifact (pp 13, 14) and Situation 7-8 Practicum 2 JRATS_JTAMS Measures Measures; Design 9 AMRU Release 4 Status Report SW Dev; Measures 10 Cost Est / SW Dev 11 AMRU Release 2 Release Report (Agile); when-you-are-agile-you-get-lean Situation and Artifact (pp 15-19) SW Dev, CPI 12 Various documents Various REMEMBER THERE IS INFORMATION IN THE SCENARIO and on the notes page of each slide
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