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Widgets and Statistics Illustrated

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1 Widgets and Statistics Illustrated
Carlos Morillo Gálvez Eurostat B4: Dissemination

2 New visualization tools
They are the results from the Vision Infrastructure Project on the Enhanced Dissemination Chain (VIP-EDC): - Widgets - Statistics Illustrated

3 New visualization tools
- WIDGETS - Statistics Illustrated

4 A reminder On the 16th of October, Eurostat launched the Widget (Simple Visualisation Tool) on its homepage. Connected to the database via web services, the Widget shows updated statistical data that changes every two weeks displaying 17 indicators.

5 Examples of the Widget

6 Widget Template Generator
Together with the Widget, Eurostat also launched an open application called Widget Template Generator. This application allows external users to create their own Widget to be embedded in their websites.


8 Live examples of widgets
- Belgium: - Italy: interattivi/visualizzazioni/eurostat-widget - Spain: &p= &pagename=INE%2FINELayout - Switzerland: 4/01.html

9 Moreover… The code basis of the widget is open source and can be adapted to national databases. Just…ask for it! Countries that have already asked for the code: Spain, Portugal

10 News Eurostat is working in a new design of the Widget for the new Website.

11 New visualization tools

12 Statistics Illustrated
- Dynamic visualizations created with an internal tool. - Connected to the database to provide updated information - 3 live examples so far; more than 10 units in the pipeline: Regional Statistics Illustrated Inflation Statistics Illustrated EU2020 Statistics Illustrated

13 Regional Statistics Illustrated
Regional Statistics Illustrated contains more than 50 indicators by NUTS 2 regions, grouped into 10 statistical domains. Using the interactive map, individual regions can quickly be selected while different visualisation options allow to compare and analyse regional data in an user-friendly way. An animated timeline shows how regions have performed over time. Regional Statistics Illustrated features the following visualisations: Choropleth map Distribution plot Scatter plot Bar chart Data table

14 Regional Statistics Illustrated

15 Inflation Statistics Illustrated
Inflation Statistics Illustrated gives an overview of the price changes and weights of the main product groups included in the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the European Union and the euro area. - The gradient of a rectangle indicates how much the prices have changed over a year. - The rectangle's size is proportional to the share of the product group in the index.

16 Inflation Statistics Illustrated

17 EU2020 Statistics Illustrated
The Europe 2020 Statistics Illustrated is a group of visualizations that displays the crosscutting nature of the eight 2020 indicators in tabular form and a radar chart. Each of the eight indicators can also be visualised in three components (heatmap, barchart graph and time graph)

18 EU2020 Statistics Illustrated

19 Thank you for your attention

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