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Read the following paragraph.

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1 Read the following paragraph.
           The boy went to the store, and the boy bought some bread because the boy wanted to make a sandwich for the boy and the boy’s girlfriend before the boy and the boy’s girlfriend went to a movie that the boy and the boy’s girlfriend had been waiting to see.  The boy and the boy’s girlfriend ate quickly so that the boy and the boy’s girlfriend would not be late, but when the boy and the boy’s girlfriend arrived at the theater, the boy and the boy’s girlfriend discovered that the boy and the boy’s girlfriend had the boy’s and the boy’s girlfriend’s dates mixed up. The movie would not arrive at the theater for another week.  The boy and the boy’s girlfriend went home disappointed.

2 ????? Wow!  Did you read that paragraph?  Doesn’t it sound awful?  Don‘t you get tired of seeing/hearing the boy and the boy’s girlfriend? How could the paragraph be improved?? What is it missing? Let’s look at a BETTER version of the original paragraph.

3 Parts of Speech The boy went to the store, and he bought some bread because he wanted to make a sandwich for himself and his girlfriend before they went to a movie that they had been waiting to see.  They ate quickly so that they would not be late, but when they arrived at the theater, they discovered that they had their dates mixed up.  The movie would not arrive at the theater for another week. They went home disappointed. THAT’S BETTER!

4 Parts of Speech That’s right! Pronouns!
What is the difference in the two paragraphs?  That’s right!  Pronouns!  Without pronouns, what we say can be awkward, wordy, and complicated; however, we must respect pronouns.  We can’t just throw them around haphazardly.  Like everything else regarding the English language, we have to follow rules. 

5 Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or a group of words acting as a noun. Example: Johnny did not do well on Johnny’s test, so now Johnny feared telling Johnny’s mother about it. Revised Example: Johnny did not do well on HIS test, so now HE feared telling HIS mother about it.

6 Pronouns An antecedent is the noun (or group of words acting as a noun) to which a pronoun refers. (ante = means "before") The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number and gender. Bradley gave his mother a hard time about her outfit.

7 Pronouns Personal pronouns are used most often in everyday life.
They refer to [1] the person speaking or writing, [2] the person listening or reading, or [3] the topic (person, place, thing, or idea) being discussed or written about. In other words…… 1st Person: refers to the person speaking 2nd Person: the one spoken to 3rd Person: the one spoken about

8 Personal Pronouns I, me, my, mine they, them, their, theirs
Singular Plural FIRST PERSON I, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours SECOND PERSON you, your, yours THIRD PERSON he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its they, them, their, theirs

9 Pronouns When using pronouns, they must always agree in terms of ……
person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd), number (singular or plural), and gender (male or female).

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