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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 BASIC HISTORY SKILLS Organiser"— Presentation transcript:

2. Spellings to learn: Technology Assassination Democracy Fascism Dictatorship Britain Propaganda Holocaust Totalitarianism Monarchy Fuhrer Hypothesis Revolution Migration Agriculture Employment Population Industry Collier Stephenson Typhoid Empire 1 .Facts and dates to learn: 1781 James Watt first efficient steam Engine 1837 Queen Victoria becomes Queen 1804 first steam railway 1807 Slave owning illegal. 1824 Whitwick Colliery opens 1829 First Police Force 1832 Swannington to Leicester Rlwy. 1833 buying or selling slaves illegal. 1845 Irish Potato famine 1851 Great Exhibition 1854 Broad Street Pump. 1888 Jack the Ripper in London 1898 Whitwick Pit disaster killed 35 miners. Year 9 BASIC HISTORY SKILLS Organiser 16 Can you write these dates in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER 4 BC, 1871 BC, 1779 AD, 3 AD, 2013 AD, 100 BC. 11. Put these events in order of time A - Victorians B -Georgians C - Edwardians D - Tudors 7. How many years after 26BC was 1506 AD? 13. Who is this geezer? Can you explain how you found that out? 17 Can you EXPLAIN how you can work out how many DECADES are in a MILLENIUM! 14. What CAUSED the Clamp family of Measham to move to Coalville? 8. Who is this bloke? Can you explain how you found that out? 18 Which century did the year 1861 belong to? Can you explain your choice? A th, B th C th 3. Can you say what these command words mean? Identify, Describe, Explain, Examine, Discuss, Assess, Compare, Evaluate, Analyse, Define 15 Which would be the best source for learning about the Victorians? An interview with Queen Victoria or a webpage? Can you say why? 12. What was the CONSEQUENCE of James Watt inventing the steam Engine? 9. What could you say about the Victorians if you only had this gun as evidence about them? 4. Name a year in the 12th century. Can you explain your choice? 6. If a King died 2,500 years ago, what was the year? If a King died in 75 AD, how many years ago was that? Can you explain how you worked it out? 19 Peel skills: How to write good answers! Start from the bottom and build up! 4. High level: link it to other ideas and use good vocabulary 3. Good Level: give detailed explanation 2. Middle Level: give some evidence 1. Basic Level: make your point 10. Highlight 2 short-term and 2 long term effects. “James Clamp moved his family from Measham to Coalville looking for work. He was a carpenter and the new town offered lots of employment. His wife would have more access to shops and his children to school and later to better jobs. Their family would have a new life there , and their grandchildren were making homes there in the 1940s. 5. Can you explain why the year 12 BC was followed by 11 BC? Mr K. Norman Ibstock Community. College 2019

2 21 Making notes: the QUICK way! 22 Investigate:
23 What is happening in this diagram? What do you think are the CAUSES ? Timeline skills: 20 Draw a line exactly 20 cms long Mark off every 2 cm and label each mark increasing by 10 years. Year 1800 to year 1900. Find ten events from Victorian history and draw a neat straight line marking the year with the event attached. (2 cm = 10 years and 1 cm = 5years.) NOTE Victoria died 1901 – cheat and put 1900! 21 Making notes: the QUICK way! Using a SPIDER CHART means you don’t have write every single thing down (huurrray!) Read this paragraph, and transfer the 5 most important facts onto the Spider Chart: “Coalville was no more than a long farm lane in the 1820s when William Stinson found coal under what is now Morrisons. Soon workers came for jobs, and cottages, shops, churches and schools were built. A new railway line connected the mine to Leicester and soon there were three mines there, and other factories, elastic and tile-making. The town thrived and workers earnt good wages underground which they spent in the busy shops.” 22 Investigate: Who was Robert Stephenson? Who was Prince Albert? Who was Louis Pasteur? Who was Charles Darwin? Who was Jane Austin? Who was General Custer? Who was General Gordon? Who was Lord Kelvin? Who was John Logie Baird Who was Emmeline Pankhurst 24 RESEARCH SKILLS – The British Empire grew from the 1500s and was gone by the 1960s. Investigate the main reasons why the British invaded and took over a. Nigeria, b. India, c. Australia. Coalville Mr K. Norman Ibstock Community. College 2019

3 There are 5 history skills for you to MASTER
There are 5 history skills for you to MASTER! You can use these tables to improve your progress! 1. NATURE OF SOURCES 9 Highest I can explain how NOMP affects an enquiry. 8 Highest 9 Exceeding I can use the NATURE, ORIGIN, MESSAGE & POINT of a source in an answer 7 Highest 8 Exceeding 9 Secure I can use the NATURE, ORIGIN & MESSAGE of a source in an answer. 7 Exceeding 8 Secure 9 Growing I can use the NATURE & ORIGIN of a source in an answer 7 Secure 8 Growing 9 Foundation I can use the NATURE of a source in an answer. 7 Growing 8 Foundation I can recognise Primary and Secondary sources. 7 Foundation I can recognise Primary and Secondary sources with help. 4. EXPLAINING INTERPRETATIONS 9 Highest I can explain different points of view using context and background knowledge. 8 Highest 9 Exceeding I can explain different points of view. 7 Highest 8 Exceeding 9 Secure I can describe differences between points of view. 7 Exceeding 8 Secure 9 Growing I can identify different points of view on my own. 7 Secure 8 Growing 9 Foundation I can identify different points of view with help 7 Growing 8 Foundation I can recognise similarities and differences between ideas/sources. 7 Foundation I can recognise similarities OR differences. 2. USING SOURCES 9 Highest I can write an analytical answer using sources & suggest “What next”? 8 Highest 9 Exceeding I can write an analytical How and Why answer using sources. 7 Highest 8 Exceeding 9 Secure I can write a descriptive answer using What, Who, When, Where from a source. 7 Exceeding 8 Secure 9 Growing I can select a source or quotation to use in an answer. 7 Secure 8 Growing 9 Foundation I can make basic content/evidence based statements based on sources. 7 Growing 8 Foundation I can repeat back information from a source on my own. 7 Foundation I can repeat back information, with help, from a source. 5. WRITING TO A PURPOSE 9 Highest I can write a balanced “both sides of the argument” answer using PEEL 8 Highest 9 Exceeding I can write a structured PEE answer and LINK to other wider background knowledge or ideas. 7 Highest 8 Exceeding 9 Secure I can write POINTS, & relevant EVIDENCE to EXPLAIN 7 Exceeding 8 Secure 9 Growing I can write POINTS in paragraphs with EVIDENCE 7 Secure 8 Growing 9 Foundation I can write POINTS in paragraphs 7 Growing 8 Foundation I can tell a story of an event. 7 Foundation I can tell a story of an event with help 3. USING HISTORICAL IDEAS 9 Highest Causation & context: I can use context in cause & consequences. 8 Highest 9 Exceeding Causation: I can link multiple causes and consequences. 7 Highest 8 Exceeding 9 Secure Causation: I can prioritise causes and consequences 7 Exceeding 8 Secure 9 Growing Causation: I can recognise cause and consequence 7 Secure 8 Growing 9 Foundation Chronology: I can put undated events in logical order. 7 Growing 8 Foundation Chronology: I can put complex dated events into order (e.g. BC & AD) 7 Foundation Chronology: I can put simple dated events into order (e.g. BC or AD) Print them off ! Mr K. Norman Ibstock Community. College 2019

4 How do we investigate things?
RELIABILITY – Is the source accurate and can we trust it? Could it be biased? Written sources – diaries, letters, documents, books, newspapers, poems etc. ORIGIN – What type of source is it? Who made it? When? Where? How do we investigate things? Using a source Visual sources – paintings, photographs, cartoons etc. MESSAGE – What is the source telling or showing you? PURPOSE – Why was the source made? Physical sources – artefacts, coins, jewellery, clothing etc. Oral sources – spoken word, audio recordings, songs This slide has been “borrowed” from Ivanhoe College

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