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LESSON 1 Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia

2 Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia
Imperialism: the extension of one nation’s power over other lands In what ways does imperialism take place?

3 Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia
1) Economic– trade, cheap labor & raw materials 2) Political– take over, control or colonization 3) Military– war or threat of attack 4) Social/cultural – spread of religion & mixing of cultures

4 *Motives for Imperialism
1) Markets – places where they could sell goods 2) Raw Materials – were needed to manufacture the goods 3) Power & Prestige – add colonies to their empires

5 Motives for Imperialism
4) Spread of Christianity 5) Social Darwinism – the idea that some races are superior to others So, in a struggle between nations, the one who is the most fit will be the winner This theory is based on racism The last card that would be the basis for racism -Religion-taught/believed Christianity was the only true religion (our responsibility to convert non-Christians) -Treatment of non-Christians (Jews, Muslims, pagans) -Separation of people/classes perpetuated the idea that not everyone is equal and birth was a determinate. -Our advances and power obtained through the recent Industrialization. Europeans were superior because they had the intelligence and power to subjugate Finally – Used science to justify

6 Motives for Imperialism
6) “White Man’s Burden” – some used Social Darwinism as a motive, but were kind & humanitarian as well Some wanted to civilize primitive people & others wanted to bring the Christian message to the heathens Still others wanted to spread Enlightenment ideals such as democracy & capitalism

7 What powered the 2nd Industrial Revolution? Petroleum and Electricity

8 Role of Technology 1) New Military Weapons: machine guns & gunboats – sometimes, just the threat of a powerful navy could make the lesser countries fearful This was referred to as Gunboat diplomacy The Industrialized countries had great advantages that made the growth of imperialism much easier because the non-industrialized countries had no such options

9 Role of Technology 2) New Transportation: railroad & steam power allowed Europeans to travel more easily & quickly 3) New Forms of Communication: the telegraph allowed fast communication & European countries had more power over the colonies far away AT&T 1886 American Telephone and Telegraph

10 Role of Technology 4) New Medical Advances:
Quinine – to combat malaria – without this, it was difficult for Europeans to survive in Africa & Asia

11 Because of problems with the factory system and its dangerous conditions, what two groups began forming Labor Unions and socialist parties

12 *Colonial Takeover in Southwest Asia
In the early 1800’s, Europeans controlled only two areas in S.E. Asia: 1) The Spanish Philippines 2) The Dutch East Indies By 1900 almost the entire area was under western rule

13 Colonial Takeover in Southwest Asia
1) Great Britain: Singapore on the Malay Peninsula

14 Colonial Takeover in Southwest Asia
2) France – Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos became a protectorate of France (they depended on France for protection)

15 Colonial Takeover in Southwest Asia
3) *United States: won the Philippines from Spain in the Spanish-American War (1898) Philippine forces started a war for independence, but the U.S. held the territory by defeating the revolutionary forces

16 A Jewish movement to have a homeland in Palestine
What is Zionism? A Jewish movement to have a homeland in Palestine

17 *The Impact of Imperialism in S.E. Asia
Exploit (take unfair advantage of) weaker countries 1) Did not want colonies to develop their own industries

18 The Impact of Imperialism in S.E. Asia
2) Forced the colonies to export raw materials 3) Forced cheap labor of the colonists in plantation agriculture 4) Imposed high taxes

19 The Impact of Imperialism in S.E. Asia
5) *Some advantages: a) Modernized economics b) Built railroads, highways & made other improvements c) Some small share in profits

20 What two groups did Karl Marx say were the oppressor and the oppressed
What two groups did Karl Marx say were the oppressor and the oppressed? Bourgeoisie and proletariat

21 Types of Rule 1) Indirect: local rulers were allowed to keep their authority & status Effects: a) Cheaper for parent country b) Less effect on local culture 2) Direct Rule: when local leaders resisted, they were replaced with officials from western governments

22 Types of Rule 19thcentury This began to change
1) Many colonials were educated in the west Some locals resisted colonial rule & those efforts were largely put down by the Colonial Powers, especially in the 19th century.

23 Types of Rule 2) Leaders began to see that they were being exploited by the parent countries 3) Eventually, nationalist goals & a western perspective led many of them to demand independence

24 Germany country was considered the strongest in Europe, what did the other countries due that was one of the causes of World War I? Made secret alliances Secret alliances that brought countries into the war that previously believed would stay out if not for the secret alliance


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