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[NAME OF Student Organization]

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Presentation on theme: "[NAME OF Student Organization]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [NAME OF Student Organization]

2 BASIC INFORMATION Mission Statement What is your organization about?
Number of undergraduate members in your organization BASIC INFORMATION Add a Footer

3 Details about events or reasons that need SGA funding in itemized list
[Event or Item Name] Description; Time/Location $xx.xx*[quantity] — Item $xx.xx*[quantity] — Item  TOTAL Funding requested from SGA FUNDING REQUEST Add a Footer

4 OTHER INFORMATION Current Bank account balance
Other sources of funding available (departmental funding, membership fees, ticket sales etc) Any information deemed necessary and helpful for the funding process OTHER INFORMATION Add a Footer

5 This template serves to clarify possible confusion and indicate the important information that Finance Committee would need. Student organizations have full freedom and creativity to design the presentation as they wish (within the time limit of 5 minutes). If you have any question regarding the presentation or the funding process in general, do not hesitate to reach out to My Nguyen – SGA Finance Committee Chair at Add a Footer

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