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Resource Mobilization for Aflatoxin Control

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1 Resource Mobilization for Aflatoxin Control
Country Strategy Setting Document – [Country Name] March 2016 Work in progress

Questions answered in developing country resource mobilization strategy Assessment areas Key analysis questions 1 What is the local scope and scale of the aflatoxin challenge? What are the existing government aflatoxin control measures in the country? What is required to overcome the aflatoxin challenge? What resources must be mobilized to overcome the aflatoxin challenge? Identifying actions and resource requirements The same slide will be used in each country report 2 Understanding funding landscape Who are the potential funders for aflatoxin control? Who are the priority potential funders for aflatoxin control in the country? What do we know about the prioritized funders? 3 What interventions might interest each priority funder? What resources are we looking to mobilize from whom? How do we approach each individual funder? How can we organize activities to ensure long term sustainability? Approaching resource mobilization

Agenda Identifying actions and resource requirements Understanding funding landscape Approaching resource mobilization Annex: What would a pitch for funding to a potential funder look like?

4 What is the scope and scale of the aflatoxin challenge?
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY What is the scope and scale of the aflatoxin challenge? Impact of aflatoxin on population’s health… Heat map indicating aflatoxin prevalence levels in different regions of the country Nearly xx people died after consuming aflatoxin- contaminated maize in yyyy xx% of infants in the country are exposed to aflatoxins- linked health risks PACA country teams to create the following 4 slides base on understanding of local context Occurrence of aflatoxin in major crops Impact of aflatoxin on trade… Food Aflatoxin prevalence Prevalence above set limit Importance in country’s diet/trade Maize Groundnuts Rice Cow milk The country loses about USD xx in commerce annually due to aflatoxin contamination

What are the existing aflatoxin control measures in the country (MoALF)? Department Aflatoxin control intervention Geographical area Results E.g. Department of nutrition and food security XXX “USD/Local currency” committed to XXX intervention xx E.g. XXX number of smallholder farmers trained in proper storage to avoid aflatoxin MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES

6 What are the existing aflatoxin control measures in the country (MoH)?
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY What are the existing aflatoxin control measures in the country (MoH)? Department Aflatoxin control intervention Geographical area Results xx MINISTRY OF HEALTH

What are the existing aflatoxin control measures in the country (MoT etc.)? Department Aflatoxin control intervention Geographical area Results xx MINISTRY OF TRADE, ETC.

8 What is required to overcome the aflatoxin problem?
Aflatoxin control activities can be characterized in terms of a four-stage cycle (“the HOW”) Solutions for aflatoxin control in [insert country] fall into four main categories (“the WHAT”) TECHNOLOGY Research and development of new technology for aflatoxin control Application of technologies for aflatoxin control in the field Use of technology to gather data about aflatoxin contamination Understand the scope of the problem and evidence about solutions Mobilize financial and human resources for solutions to identified problems The same slide will be used in each country report AWARENESS AND BAHAVIOR CHANGE Preparation of public facing information resources for key stakeholders Implementation of training and educational programs (e.g., for farmers) Public dissemination of information on aflatoxin contamination and control opportunities Incentives for market actors to change market behaviour QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE Implement solutions including programs and interventions Develop new solutions including policies, regulations and pilot programs Efforts to mainstream aflatoxin control in national policymaking Research and development to introduce new quality standards Implementation of standards and conformity assessments Capacity building throughout ecosystem for quality and conformity LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Enactment or enhancement of bodies to oversee aflatoxin control Introduction of accountability frameworks and use of M&E tools Capacity building for leadership/mgmt. throughout lifecycle for other aflatoxin control solutions

There are numerous intervention types outlined in the Tanzania country strategy which fall into the 4 categories (1 of 6) TECHNOLOGY PACA teams to create this slide by pulling information from the workplan excel Each activity is assigned a type, teams can then sort the excel sheet by “type” Objective SN Outcome Develop and construct models of improved storage facilities (e.g. improved threshing, drying and storage technologies) for use at community level 2.6 Regional friendly models of improved storage facilities developed for each agro-ecological zone Disseminate models of improved storage facilities for use at community level 2.7 Models of improved storage facilities deployed to each agro-ecological zone Develop bio-control for Tanzania, keeping in mind the cost implications for poorer farmers 2.8 Bio-control technology adopted for maize and groundnuts Scale up biocontrol product within the country to benefit poor farmers. Disseminate biocontrol product/technology and facilitate adoption amongst farmers 2.9 At least 8 regions of the main maize and groundnuts producing zones the applying the biocontrol product Develop cost effective alternative uses of aflatoxin contaminated produce 6.4 At least two alternative uses of aflatoxin contaminated produce identified Continue research efforts for breeding maize and groundnuts with aflatoxin resistance for availability in the longer time horizon 6.5 At least two aflatoxin resistant maize or groundnut varieties identified Establish and promote home based substitutes (food crops, products and formulations) for aflatoxin susceptible foods 6.6 At least two types and proportion of cereals that can be used to substitute for maize in family and complementary foods established and incorporated in the national food and nutrition guidelines AWARENESS AND BEHAVIOR CHANGE Objective SN Outcome Develop capacity for evaluation of effectiveness and efficacy of bio-control products 2.1 At least one staff trained, and evaluation guidelines developed for effectiveness and efficacy of bio-control products 2.4 All districts agricultural extension officers and phytosanitary inspectors trained on the new GAPs and Codes of Practices 2.5 Agricultural extension officers in all the districts access GAPs in which aflatoxin measures are integrated

There are numerous intervention types outlined in the Tanzania country strategy which fall into the 4 categories (2 of 6) AWARENESS AND BEHAVIOR CHANGE Objective SN Outcome Disseminate guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)/ HACCP plan for aflatoxins control 3.4 Quality control managers from all the cereal and oil seed based products trained on application of the Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)/ HACCP plan for aflatoxins control Incorporate aflatoxins mitigation guidelines in the Infant and Young Child Nutrition guidelines 4.1 Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Nutrition contain aflatoxin prevention/avoidance measures Facilitate access of guidelines through Infant and Young Child Nutrition guidelines which contain aflatoxin mitigation measures 4.2 New guidelines on Infant and Young Child Nutrition distributed to all districts Disseminate the aflatoxins mitigation actions through the Infant and Young Child Nutrition guidelines 4.3 All district nutrition officers trained on aflatoxin issues and aflatoxin measures of the infant and young child Nutrition Promote dietary diversification as one of the measures to minimize aflatoxin exposure 4.4 At least one radio program aired weekly on the importance of dietary diversification as one of the measures to minimize aflatoxin exposure Provide in-service training on risk assessment for aflatoxins 5.4 At least 6 staff of undertake a short course on risk assessment Include aflatoxin related aspects in agriculture and health subjects taught at primary and secondary schools 7.1 Science books for primary and secondary schools reviewed to incorporate aflatoxin materials Build capacity of teachers on aflatoxin knowledge and communication 7.2 Science teachers for primary and secondary level education trained on food safety issues, including mycotoxins, and aflatoxins and fumonisns particularly Review curricula for undergraduate and graduate programs on agriculture and health to incorporate components of aflatoxin prevention and control 7.3 Curricula for undergraduate and graduate programs contain components of aflatoxin prevention and control Conduct short courses to processors, traders, stockists and produce dealers in quality control and assurance with respect to aflatoxin contamination 7.4 Two week course to processors and produce dealers in quality control and assurance with respect to aflatoxin contamination conducted annually Conduct short courses to district extension workers to build their capacity for training farmers on management of aflatoxins 7.5 Two week course to district extension workers conducted annually Conduct short course to health practitioners (doctors, nurses and laboratory technologists) on how to test for aflatoxin exposure, provide counselling and recommend early testing and referral of patients. 7.6 A minimum of 30 health practitioners undergo a two week course annually

There are numerous intervention types outlined in the Tanzania country strategy which fall into the 4 categories (3 of 6) AWARENESS AND BEHAVIOR CHANGE Objective SN Outcome Train at undergraduate levels, people who will perform risk assessment and management for aflatoxins in Tanzania 7.7 30 undergraduates on aflatoxin management for aflatoxins in Tanzania Train at postgraduate levels, people who will perform risk assessment and management for aflatoxins in Tanzania 7.8 Two higher Education institutions supported to improve aflatoxin risk assessment training capacity 7.9 15 post graduates on aflatoxin risk assessment and management Develop a communication strategy for aflatoxin matters 8.1 A strategy for communication of aflatoxin developed Train communication personnel on the economic and health risks of aflatoxin exposure and best practices for aflatoxin control for information dissemination to farmers. 8.2 Training offered, annually. Number of stakeholders trainings conducted. Develop Information, education and communication materials 8.3 Leaflets, posters and feature stories prepared. Type and number of communication material developed Conduct programs for advocacy about aflatoxins 8.4 Two advocacy campaigns conducted annually for policy makers and politician Conduct programs for raising public awareness about aflatoxins 8.5 Seminars, workshops, meetings, exhibitions, Road shows, 10 radio , 10 TV programmes and 20 cinema shows on aflatoxins aired Conduct annual scientific forum for sharing aflatoxin information 8.6 Number of fora organized QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE Objective SN Outcome Improve regulations and procedures for product withdrawal, including alternative uses for contaminated food 1.4 The Treatment and Disposal of Unfit food regulations being enforced by TFDA, reviewed to provide for specific regulations on disposal and treatment of aflatxoin contaminated food Formulate regulations for aflatoxins contamination in maize and groundnuts 1.5 Specific regulations for aflatoxins in foods formulated Work out innovative systems and pilot regulatory enforcement for the informal internal market 1.6 A workable framework for monitoring of aflatoxins in the informal sector established

There are numerous intervention types outlined in the Tanzania country strategy which fall into the 4 categories (4 of 6) QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE Objective SN Outcome Improve regulations and procedures for product withdrawal, including alternative uses for contaminated food 1.4 The Treatment and Disposal of Unfit food regulations being enforced by TFDA, reviewed to provide for specific regulations on disposal and treatment of aflatxoin contaminated food Formulate regulations for aflatoxins contamination in maize and groundnuts 1.5 Specific regulations for aflatoxins in foods formulated Work out innovative systems and pilot regulatory enforcement for the informal internal market 1.6 A workable framework for monitoring of aflatoxins in the informal sector established Routinely monitor aflatoxins in cereal-and groundnut based weaning foods and national grain reserves 1.7 Reports of aflatoxins in all brands of cereal and groundnut based foods in the market, released annually Establish at least five zonal laboratories for aflatoxins screening in the country 1.8 Aflatoxin screening capacity established Formulate strategies for implementation of food safety related policy statements of the National Agriculture Policy (2013) 2.1 Strategies for implementation of food safety related policy statements of the National Agriculture Policy (2013) formulated Enable access of GAP guidelines and codes for prevention of aflatoxin contamination 2.2 Aflatoxin control measures integrated in the Guidelines on good agricultural practices (GAP), good animal husbandry practices, for all cereal crops and oil seed produce 2.3 Codes for prevention of aflatoxin contamination during transportation of food crops and feeds formulated Formulate specific regulations aflatoxins in feed 2.11 Specific regulations for aflatoxins in feed formulated Formulate market-based incentives for production of safer food 3.1 Market-based incentives for production of safer food formulated Disseminate market-based incentives for production of safer food 3.2 Market-based incentives disseminated to all international markets (e.g. Kibaigwa), maize millers and groundnuts processors

There are numerous intervention types outlined in the Tanzania country strategy which fall into the 4 categories (5 of 6) QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE Objective SN Outcome Develop guidelines for GMP/ HACCP plan for aflatoxins control 3.3 Guidelines for GMP/HACCP plan developed to control aflatoxins in manufacture of cereal and oil seed based products aflatoxins Develop strategies for implementation of food safety related policy statements of the National Agricultural Marketing Policy (2008) 3.5 Strategies for implementation of food safety related policy statements of the National Agricultural Marketing Policy (2008) developed Build capacity for monitoring aflatoxin exposure in humans 4.5 At least one referral hospital in each of the five zones equipped with facilities for screen patients for aflatoxin exposure Monitor aflatoxin exposure in humans 4.6 At least 500 individuals tested for aflatoxin exposure annually Include HAV vaccination in the national programs and achieve universal vaccinations for HBV 4.7 Universal vaccinations for HAV and HBV performed annually Develop aflatoxin risk assessment protocol for Tanzania 5.5 A protocol developed Perform independent health risk assessment for crops produced using the bio-control technology, taking into control all bio-control technologies 6.1 Risk assesment of CPA contamination and exposure from biocontrol produced maize and groundnuts Perform independent environmental risk assessment for crop production using the bio-control technology 6.2 The impact on environment, of atoxigenic fungi biocontrol application determined Map and continuously update the risks of aflatoxins contamination and exposure in Tanzania 6.3 Hot spots and risk factors of aflatoxin contamination and exposure determined in all regions of Tanzania LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Objective SN Outcome Facilitate transformation of TFDA to establish an autonomous body, with a multi-sectoral food safety board, mandated to coordinate food safety from farm to fork. 1.1 An autonomous multi-sectoral food safety control board in place Set a mechanism for resource mobilization for food safety activities 1.2 At least 10% of annual collections from food control services allocated to aflatoxin control activities

There are numerous intervention types outlined in the Tanzania country strategy which fall into the 4 categories (6 of 6) LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Objective SN Outcome Support operations of the multi-sectoral Aflatoxins advisory committee (National Mycotoxin Steering Committee) 1.3 TFDA budget contains a budget segment for support of at least 4 meetings, annually Establish a full time coordination office for aflatoxin regulatory activities 1.9 Three staff, expert in aflatoxin issues in TFDA, TBS, and MAFC and an administrative secretary recruited Establish a voluntary mechanism for self-regulation of food safety and quality 3.6 A voluntary mechanism for self-regulation of food safety and quality established Promote formation of cooperatives to enable processors and traders acquire improved produce handling technologies 3.7 At least two farmers’ cooperative societies established Finalize formulation of a Food Safety and Quality Policy in which Risk Assessment administration is clearly separated from risk management. 5.1 A legal instrument for establishment of an autonomous food risk assessment body Hire staff for the Risk Assessment body 5.2 At least six individuals employed Provide for office space and facilities for the risk assessment body 5.3 Office and facilities in place

Agenda Identifying actions and resource requirements Understanding funding landscape Approaching resource mobilization Annex: What would a pitch for funding to a potential funder look like?

16 Who are the potential funders for aflatoxin control? (1 of X)
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY Who are the potential funders for aflatoxin control? (1 of X) Shortlist of identified potential funders for aflatoxin control in the country Type of Donor Name Evidence of relevance for aflatoxin control in [insert country] xx PACA teams to create this slide Example of level of detail: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, department of XXX

17 Who are the potential funders for aflatoxin control? (1 of X)
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY Who are the potential funders for aflatoxin control? (1 of X) Shortlist of identified potential funders for aflatoxin control in the country Type of Donor Name Evidence of relevance for aflatoxin control in [insert country] xx PACA teams to create this slide Example of level of detail: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, department of XXX

Who are the priority potential funders for aflatoxin control in the country? To raise funds in the short-term, focus on a few high-potential funders is needed; potential funding capacity and openness to engagement are key factors (y-axis): Financial commitment to aflatoxin control- adjacent sectors, as measured by spending on health, trade, and agriculture projects 25,000 World Bank BMFG 10,000 SIDA This slide will be created based on the 2 slides that follow Openness criteria is on a scale of 1 – 12 Funding is based on actual USD etsimates Highest priority targets Total funding to aflatoxin control (in xx) 5,000 MoALF XX MoH Low Medium High Openness to engagement (x-axis): Opportunity for aflatoxin control advocacy organizations to influence donor decisions, based on openness of aid decision-making and resource allocation to advocacy, current/past commitments to aflatoxin control, and existing advocacy relationships Legend Multilateral or Bilateral Foundation or HNWIs Government Private Sector Source: Dalberg Analysis;

What do we know about the prioritized funders? – openness to engagement Source Openness to engagement (0 to 4 per criterion) Comments per funder BMGF: [evidence for each of the three parameters] USAID: xx DFID: xx xx BMGF 12 PACA country teams to complete based on qualitative assessment of individual funders Each criteria is ranked on a scale of 1-4 USAID 10 DFID 9 MoH 5 MoA 5 xx xx Legend Logistical ease of decision making Allignment with existing portfolio Recipitivity to engagement

20 Comments are related to type of comparable funding
PACA country teams to complete based on estimates of actual funding (USD) Comments are related to type of comparable funding This should refer to programs that may support the aflatoxin agenda, ie. Storage, extension services, etc. where the money was not specifically earmarked for aflatoxin mitigation Source Funding committed towards aflatoxin mitigation in [insert country] – USD/year Funding committed towards similar interventions in [insert country] – USD/year Funding committed towards aflatoxin mitigation across Africa – USD/year Comments on activities in [insert country] BMGF E.g. Currently committed XXX USD to aflatoxin control in addition to XXX USD to upgrading grain storage (in a separate program) USAID DFID

21 What do we know about the prioritized funders? – profiling template
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY What do we know about the prioritized funders? – profiling template Overview Potential modes of engagement Name and type of entity/division E.g. BMGF Overall objectives and priorities in [insert country] E.g. Ensuring food security with a focus on staple crops including aflatoxin XXX Current activities relevant to aflatoxin control E.g. Implementing grain storage upgrading programs Xxx Estimated resources that could be mobilized Amount in USD Contact details xx E.g. Direct funding to specific activities: XXX Indirect funding by working in collaboration with funders existing activities: E.g. working together with grain storage upgrading program to ensure that facilities meet aflatoxin control standards PACA country teams to complete based on the priority funders selected on slide 17 Upcoming windows of opportunity Xx (Activity, when is it happening, where) xx

Agenda Identifying actions and resource requirements Understanding funding landscape Approaching resource mobilization Annex: What would a pitch for funding to a potential funder look like?

23 What interventions might each funder be interested in?
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY What interventions might each funder be interested in? Type Funder Level of interest in each solution type Evidence of interest Technology Awareness & Behaviour Change Quality Infrastructure Leadership & Management Multilaterals and Bilaterals XXX Foundations and high net worth individuals Government Private Sector PACA country teams to complete based on the knowledge of funders (priority funders only) Slide to be updates as additional conversations are had Key: medium low high

24 What resources are we looking to mobilize from whom?
Proportion of funding to be mobilized by type of funder (USD Thousands) Slide to be created based on estimated by PACA HQ and country teams This slide is to serve as a resource for country mobilization strategies and a sense check for allocations of funding 800 1,450 500 700 100 100 400 700 300 200 300 600 250 200 50 50 50 100 50 Technology Behavior Change Infrastructure Management  Multilaterals and Bilaterals Foundations and HNWIs Government Private Sector

25 How do we approach each individual funder?
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY How do we approach each individual funder? An individualized approach to a potential funder makes them feel their contribution is valuable in solving the aflatoxin challenge, thus increases chances of a positive outcome Manage Negotiate Engage Identify Prioritize the high-priority funders identified for actual engagement Review funder profile to comprehensively understand their motivations, preferences and priorities Develop proposal for funding and other communication tools e.g. brochures about PACA, aflatoxin control efforts in the country etc. Schedule meeting with potential funder Present marketing material (+ relevant brochures) to funder Identify liaison person in the funder organisation and establish rapport Develop an individualized “Action to Impact” plan for the funder based on first meeting → detail tangible action plans that the funder can engage within the funding opportunities + potential impact Present plan to funder and ask for funding Agree on joint interests and conditions for partnerships Develop a formal legal agreement (if successful) Maintain a log of proposals for funding submitted → date submitted; status; summary details of the proposal Develop efficient and effective operations to manage funds received Disseminate reports and information as required Continuously, cultivate relationship with funder Key activities Standardized slide to be used across countries Output Proposal for funding Communication tools (brochures) Initial feedback from potential funder Individual funder contacts Individualized “Action to Impact” plan Funding contract Proposals log Reports – M&E; annual reports

Agenda Identifying actions and resource requirements Understanding funding landscape Approaching prioritized funders Annex: What would a pitch for funding to a potential funder look like?

27 What would a pitch for funding to a potential funder look like?
DO NOT CIRCULATE – Work in progress DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY What would a pitch for funding to a potential funder look like? Each pitch will contain the following elements Context What is the local scope and scale of the aflatoxin challenge? What is required to overcome the aflatoxin challenge? What resources must be mobilized to overcome the aflatoxin challenge? Our understanding of what funder may be interested in Deep dive on category(ies) funder may be interested in How individual funder could help

28 Aflatoxins are toxic fungi that contaminate up to XX% of maize and XX% of groundnut in [insert country] WHAT IS AFLATOXIN? Aflatoxins are toxic fungi metabolites which contaminate staple foods Aflatoxin-producing mold can affect grain and other food crops (particularly maize and groundnuts) but can also enter livestock value chains through contaminated feed Millions of people living in Africa are exposed to high, unsafe levels of aflatoxins through their diet. Meanwhile, farmers miss out on export opportunities since their products do not meet international food safety standards IN [INSERT COUNTRY], UP TO… Information/ statistics will primarily be copied from master country deck XX% of MAIZE XX% of GROUNDNUTS … MAY BE INFECTED WITH AFLATOXIN

Aflatoxin is most common in XX and XX and low levels of awareness have made it challenging to overcome the problem What is the prevalence of aflatoxin in different regions of [insert country]? How aware are people of aflatoxin in [insert country]? Heat map indicating aflatoxin prevalence levels in different regions of the country Information/ statistics will primarily be copied from master country deck

30 [insert country] loses up to XXX USD in loss of trade, and spends XXX USD treating the health effects associated with aflatoxin AGRICULTURE [insert country] loses XXX USD due to loss of trade of aflatoxin affected agricultural commodities Major challenges include: Food insecurity and limited dietary diversity Economic losses and barriers to trade Information/ statistics will primarily be copied from master country deck HEALTH [insert country] spends approximately XXX USD treating the health effects associated with aflatoxin Major challenges include: Poisoning (i.e., aflatoxicosis) and death Increased liver cancer risk, particularly for hepatitis B virus (HBV) positive populations Child stunting Immune suppression and greater susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis, and malarial infection

31 What is required to overcome the aflatoxin problem?
Aflatoxin control activities can be characterized in terms of a four-stage cycle Solutions for aflatoxin control in [insert country] fall into four main categories TECHNOLOGY Research and development of new physical or biological technology Implementation of new physical or biological technology Understand the scope of the problem Mobilize financial and human resources AWARENESS AND BAHAVIOR CHANGE The same slide will be used in each country report Research and development of public facing information resources for different stakeholders Information dissemination and capacity building QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE Research and development of policies and regulations to monitor and control aflatoxin Implementation of policies and regulations Implement programs and interventions Develop policies, regulations and pilot programs LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Mobilization of financial resources Mobilization of human resources (eg. equipping new regulatory bodies)

32 Based on your current intervention areas in Tanzania and globally, we think you may be interested in XXX Awareness and Behavioral Change Promote dietary diversification as one of the measures to minimize aflatoxin exposure Include aflatoxin related aspects in agriculture and health subjects taught at primary and secondary schools Build capacity of teachers on aflatoxin knowledge and communication Review curricula for undergraduate and graduate programs on agriculture and health to incorporate components of aflatoxin prevention and control Leadership and management XXX XXX current intervention areas Eg. Maternal and child health Eg. Nutrition and food security Xxx Country teams to create version of this slide based on understanding of the funder

33 Why is awareness and behavioral change important
An awareness and behavioral change intervention would achieve XXX impact Why is awareness and behavioral change important Impact spotlight: XXX XXX For intervention XXX – you could expect to see Chart outlining USD spent for: Agricultural impact Health impact Trade/economic impact What are some of the priority intervention areas a funder could contribute to XXXX Will be created as part of business action plan and customized for each priority funder Source: Expert interviews, Dalberg analysis

34 How can you help? NEXT STEPS E.g.
Objective Outcome Resource requirement E.g. Improve regulations and procedures for product withdrawal, including alternative uses for contaminated food E.g. The Treatment and Disposal of Unfit food regulations being enforced by TFDA, reviewed to provide for specific regulations on disposal and treatment of aflatoxin contaminated food As in action plan NEXT STEPS E.g. PACA team to create document with additional information based on discussion today Refined document will include further elaboration of key intervention areas where you expressed an interest and associated impact/USD

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