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Data Gathering and statistics experience from SB Programme

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1 Data Gathering and statistics experience from SB Programme
TAIEX-REGIO Workshop on Carrying out evaluations 28th May, 2019 Presenter: Antanas Sabanas Interreg South Baltic Programme

2 Introduction Role of Big Data Statistics and indicators Use of information systems for automatic gathering and verification of indicators Post 2020 Content

3 Introduction Data gathering is essential step for programme evaluation
Quality of data affects quality of impact evaluation Complex issues shall be solved (e. g. state aid, ownership of results) Result orientation of the projects shall be emphasized during the implementation of the project

4  Role of Big data

5 Collection of big data Public institutions are collecting and processing big data information based on their responsibilities (e. g. size of investments into municipality, number of crimes) Big data is received from companies, based on bilateral contracts (e. g. shops/ local banks – regarding usage of bank cards by persons from abroad) It can be received using special equipment – counter of users of different road section. It is suggested to foresee such equipment during preparation of technical documentation, otherwise data collected will not reflect trends and users.

6 Statistics and indicators

7 Role of statistics during life cycle
At initiation phase (before selection of project) partners define the challenge based on statistics (e. g. by comparing statistical numbers in similar regions – expenditure for innovation, density of bicycle roads) and provide a background information of those statements formulated in the Application Form (e.g. source of statistics, etc.) during project’s assessment phase During the implementation phase of the project, each partner has to monitor tangible impacts and tracking ripple effects (e.g. by means of statistics) Some provision of statistics concerning the use of a particular project output) shall be provided beyond the project lifetime

8 Indicators In ESIF programme evaluations data gathering is crucial for success for the whole evaluation Quality of data depends on quality of programme documents (programme manual, instructions, guidance for project partners) Differences between national provisions / methodologies shall be taken into account Differrent concepts to define the right indicator for the programmes (project/ programme logical chain, programme/ project life cycle)

9 Programme/ project logical chain

10 Indicator’s definition/ verification
“Copy and paste” from programme documents. Definition of indicator unrealistic from the beginning- application form was prepared to get financing afterwards after numerous changes in the project lost original meaning (due to multiple partnership, changes in technology). How to assess the achievement of indicators during verification of multiple reports – final result is visible only with final report. Involvement of different stakeholders in verification process (MA, FLC, FLC of the LP). How properly draft legal documents and distribute duties properly.

11 State aid elements to achievement of indicators
State aid as obstacle to achieve project results (e. g. project is not specific enough in the application form, however during implementation of activities – information is more specified, therefore project/ report can not be approved). State aid is detected during implementation of project (contracted without state aid) How to tackle open source solutions / intellectual property rights/ prototypes created during implementation of project How to balance state aid elements within the project between content related WP’s and non- content related WP’s (i. e. GBER and de minimis)

12 Use of information systems for automatic gathering and verification of indicators

13 Information systems(Legal basis )
E-cohesion as a new element in programming period Until end of 2015 – obligation for Member States to establish electronic data exchange system allowing exchanging documents between Programme bodies and projects Central ICT system, shall fulfils the requirements set out in Article and Article (d) of the General Regulation and Article 24 of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EC) No 480/2014 and can be national (i. e. SL2014 in Poland) or created by EU instituions (i. e. Interact- eMS)

14 Information systems (functioning)
“SL2014” –supports the current process of the Programme management, monitoring and evaluation, in which data is collected and stored concerning projects implemented and which makes it possible for lead partner and partners to reimburse the projects All information regarding achievement of indicators is stored and verified within the SL2014 by project partners (e. g. list of participants of the events, training materials, acts of acceptance of works, services and goods)

15 Information system (personal data protection)
Personal data protection – in line with General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 In order to verify costs you have to receive information regarding incurred costs and factual participation of persons in the activities organized by project Different interpretation of public data- if there are more than 3 persons in photo- no personal data protection List of participants, employees by institutions- selection criteria for participation (potential state aid at secondary level), potential conflict of interest

16 Information system (monitoring of indicators)
Huge risk if all indicators will be declared at the end of the project (especially with projects with multiple partners, implemented in line with Lead Partner principle); Changes of technical documentation/ specification/ bill of quantities during the implementation of project- shall be verified in justified enough and if affects indicators at programme level; Combination of different financial sources to solve single challenge (e. g. state budget, EU funds), based on the same technical documentation.

17 Post-2020 Regional Development and Cohesion Policy: results and indicators

18 Legal basis and guidance documents
Proposal for a Regulation of The European Parliament and the Council laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund Plus, the Cohesion Fund, and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and financial rules for those and for the Asylum and Migration Fund, the Internal Security Fund and the Border Management and Visa Instrument, COM(2018) 375 final, (further – new CPR); Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on specific provisions for the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) supported by the European Regional Development Fund and external financing instruments, COM(2018) 374 final, (further- new ETC (Interreg)); Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on a mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context, COM(2018) 373 final, (further- European Cross-Border Mechanism/ ECBM); Simplification Handbook, 80 simplification measures in cohesion policy , DG Regio available online:

19 Results- general issues
Financing will be not linked to costs and verification of invoices; whole focus of control will be switched from costs, reimbursement and checks linked to individual projects to tracking deliverables and results for the projects, a group of projects or schemes- Art. 46 CPR; Payments from the Commission to the Member State or region conditional on the achievement of pre-agreed results/outputs or completion of policy actions or processes-- Art. 46 CPR.

20 Results – Indicators The first time a common set of Common result indicators for the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) will be introduced- Art. 33 new ETC (Interreg) regulation);  For the future, all indicators used in the programmes will be part of the performance framework. There isn't any obligation to have programme specific indicators- Art new CPR; It will make it possible to report results in real time on the Open Data Platform and to compare them across programmes and Member States.

21 Results – ECBM European Cross-Border Mechanism (ECBM) will enable Member States to agree on a single set of standards/rules used for projects implemented in more than one Member State; ECBM  will allow one Member State to apply their legal provision in another Member State for a concretely defined case. That will help to solve cross-border challenges (especially concerning health services, labour regulation, local public transport and business development) due to differences in administrative practices and national legal frameworks; ECBM  will help to change programmes from primarily managing and distributing funds toward acting as institutions of exchange, facilitating cross-border activity and being a centre for strategic planning.

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