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Risk Management Fredericton Yacht Club Spring Meeting 2009

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Management Fredericton Yacht Club Spring Meeting 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Management Fredericton Yacht Club Spring Meeting 2009

2 Advisory Committee: Al Mason Bob Gamble Fred Harriman
Mary Ellen Zwicker Mike MacDonald Paul Blanchet Paul Smith All errors or omissions are the responsibility of the Project Leader

3 Questions: Why does FYC need risk management?
What is risk management? Why does FYC need risk management? What would a risk management program be like at FYC? What are the implications of having a risk management program? How would FYC implement a risk management program?

4 What is risk management?
objectives: increased safety and reduced risk The process of assessing, mitigating (to an acceptable level) and monitoring risks mitigation includes improving safety, reducing risk, inspecting equipment, doing preventive maintenance, training users, documenting best practice, and having insurance

5 Why does FYC need Risk Management?
The Committee did a risk assessement 24 pieces of equipment, facilities or services were assessed 9 were found to be high risk, 7 were medium risk and 8 were low risk risks are related to personal injury, property damage, and legal risks the risk assessment process indicated that there are opportunities to mitigate the risks identified

6 Why does FYC need Risk Management?
some of our practices are below an acceptable safety standard there is growing membership recognition of the need to reduce risk and improve safety we need a systematic program

7 What would a Risk Management Program be like at FYC?
Increased awareness of safety best practice documentation training preventive maintenance inspection

8 What would a Risk Management Program be like at FYC?
phase-in standards (inspection and preventive maintenance). These need to be defined. documentation and audit trail review insurance

9 What are the implications of having a risk management program?
FYC will be a safer Club greater assurance that the equipment, facilities, and services are safe members will have documentation helping them use equipment in a safe way preventive maintenance may reduce costs in the longer term inspection and preventive maintenance need to be included in the 2008/09 budget FYC may be able to defend itself against claims of negligence

10 How would FYC Implement a Risk Management Program?
an implementation plan has been drafted preventive maintenance standards inspection standards recruitment of a Safety Officer completion of best practice documentation three best practice documents are done and a fourth is underway

11 Where can one find more detailed information on this proposal?
several detailed documents were produced by this project and they are available on the FYC web site

12 Questions, Comments, Discussion:

13 Definitions: risk n.: the possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm or loss; exposure to this risk v.: to expose to the chance of injury of loss, to accept the risk of negligence n.: lack of proper care or attention, carelessness mitigate v.: to make less intense or serious or severe safety n.: being safe, freedom from risk or danger

14 Negligence: opposite of diligence
conduct that is culpable because it falls short of what a reasonable person would do to protect another individual from foreseeable risks of harm duty of care breach of duty factual causation legal causation damage

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