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Determine Meaning of Words

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1 Determine Meaning of Words
AHSGE Objective IV-1 Determine Meaning of Words Dr. Patrick Cain SEHS Assistant Principal Elmore County Schools Mrs. Julie Turner School Improvement Specialist Dothan City Schools

2 When you read, you can use context clues to determine the meaning of words you do not know.
The words, phrases, and sentences surrounding the unfamiliar word provide clues to the word’s meaning.

3 Context Clues There are several types of context clues that can help you determine a word’s meaning.

4 Emulsify and blend are synonyms.
The recipe says to emulsify the lemon juice, vinegar, and oil by blending them. Emulsify and blend are synonyms. The word emulsify means to mix different substances together.

5 The man was especially churlish, but his wife was extremely polite.
Antonyms The man was especially churlish, but his wife was extremely polite. Churlish and polite are antonyms. The word churlish means rude or unpleasant.

6 Matthew made an effort at school. (cause)
Cause and Effect Matthew got all A’s on his report card, so he wasn’t surprised when his mom acceded to his request to go to the concert. Matthew made an effort at school. (cause) His mom will agree to give him special privileges. (effect) The word acceded means to give permission.

7 The word chimera is a figment or creation of the imagination.
Compare and Contrast When I was a small child, I was terrified of a monster under my bed, but now I realize that was merely a chimera. Children have great imaginations and fears, while grownups are more rational. (contrast) The word chimera is a figment or creation of the imagination.

8 Word Parts (prefixes, suffixes, roots)
After I finished my story, he had an incredulous look on his face. The prefix in- means “not.” The Latin root cred means “believe.” The word incredulous means not able to believe or trust.

9 Read the following story. Indian Summer
Notkikad worked hard for his family. He cultivated his gardens and always gave thanks for each year’s harvest to Tabaldak, the Master of life. One year a late frost killed his crops.

10 Undeterred, he planted again, but a drought came and his crops died of thirst. He planted a third time, but it was so late that the autumn cold killed his plants again.

11 Notkikad’s wife and children
had gathered some foods from the forest, but it was not enough to last the winter. So he begged Tabaldak for help.

12 That night, Tabaldak came to Notkikad in a dream, telling him, “I give you these seeds and a special season for planting.”

13 Notkikad found the seeds beside him, and he discovered the
When he awoke, Notkikad found the seeds beside him, and he discovered the autumn weather had turned summer-like.

14 Notkikad and his Family planted the seeds and within a few days, the plants were ready for harvest.

15 The day after Notkikad had collected the crops and stored them, the cold winds returned, and the special season ended.

16 We are still often granted this
special season, which we call Indian Summer. It is not only a time of respite when the brisk autumn winds temporarily let up and provide a break from the cold, but also a time to give thanks.

17 Answer the following questions.
What is the meaning of the word undeterred as it is used in the story? A. Discouraged B. Determined C. Frightened D. content

18 What is the meaning of the word undeterred as it is used in the story?
A. Discouraged B. Determined C. Frightened D. content

19 Read the following sentence from the story.
It is not only a time of respite when the brisk winds of autumn temporarily let up and provide a break from the cold, but also a time to give thanks.

20 What does the word respite mean as it is used here? A. Lull B. Restless C. Celebration D. gratification

21 What does the word respite mean as it is used here? A. Lull B. Restless C. Celebration D. gratification

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