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Text Structure: paths to follow

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1 Text Structure: paths to follow
LLE – 7495 Produção e Compreensão Escrita em Língua Inglesa V Students: Aldine Cruz, Grasiely Schutz e Maria Isabel Miranda Text Structure: paths to follow

2 How to start a writing text: Outline
An outline is an organized frame of the essay done before the text; In this project, the author writes down all the thoughts that s/he has about the topics, and organize the future text in an appropriate way; He/she can start by defining the purpose, the thesis and the audience; The author can pre-frame how his/her ideas will be dealt with, the connections, arguments, details, examples and all elements that the author intends to use in her/his essay; After, the writer can use the following structures bases: chronological order; classification; increasing importance; cause and effect; comparison and contrast; The aim of the outline is to have a concise overview of the work.

3 A text consists on three main parts:
Text’s Structure A text consists on three main parts: Introduction Paragraph development Conclusion

4 Introduction In the first paragraph, the subject of the text will be presented. In its first sentence, it is important to contain an attractive “hook” - something interesting about the topic. The hook is followed by the general comments which will prepare the reader for the thesis statement, that is, the author's propose. The introductory paragraph also explains how the thesis statement will be discussed along the essay and anticipates briefly what the following paragraphs are about. The introduction tends to bring the reader from “his/her world” to the “essay’s place” by narrowing the explored content.

5 Parts of the Introduction
General Comments Hook Thesis statement General Specific

6 Hook The hook is used to grab the reader’s attention to encourage him/her to read the whole essay. As a way to make the essay attractive, the author can use some resources such as question, thought-provoking, brief anecdote, statistic, quotation, shocking statement or humorous comments.

7 General Comments It consists of interesting comments which narrows the content approached in the hook by going to more specific information. This kind of strategy prepares and directs the reader to the thesis statement, that is, the author’s propose.

8 Thesis Statement The thesis statement summarizes what the essay will focus on; It discusses the subject/topic of the thesis from the author’s point of view and usually appears at the end of the introductory paragraph; It must be clear and concise – straightforward; Along of the text, if the author becomes interested in other aspect of the subject, s/he must change the thesis statement because it must be supported the writing text; It is important to have a good thesis statement because it will frame the text and will guide the author; The thesis statement is raised once more in the final paragraph - the conclusion.

9 Let’s see an example of introduction?
Developed in 1939, DDT was the most powerful pesticide the world had ever known. It was used throughout the 1940s and 1950s to clear regions of mosquitos carrying malaria. Its inventor was awarded the Nobel Prize. When DDT became available for purely commercial use and was sprayed over crops, only a few people, like Rachel Carson, felt that there was some danger. When she finally published her book, Silent Spring, her fears were heard loud and clear. The impact of Silent Spring was great; with this book, Rachel Carson laid the foundation for the modern environmental protection movement. Hook General Comments Thesis Statement

10 Paragraph Development
It is as though was a micro essay, because it also has a main, specific and clear idea followed by further explanation, and a conclusion that help to lead the reader to the next paragraph; In the paragraph, the main idea is called topic sentence and guides the author as s/he develops the established point. It also delimits the boundaries until where the author can extend its details and examples; The main idea needs further explanation and illustration to convince the reader about what it is being stated. So, the main idea requires to be supported by evidences, arguments, facts or examples to give more consistence to information; It is important that the ideas are coherence and organized. For that, it is necessary to use transitions, which establish connection between ideas making them clear and concise; The last sentence of each paragraph must conclude the main idea discussed in it.

11 Here there are some examples of transitions
To signal a reinforcement of ideas: also in other words in addition for example moreover more importantly To signal a change in ideas: but on the other hand however Instead yet in contrast Although nevertheless in the spite of (something) To signal a conclusion: thus therefore accordingly In conclusion finally so (informal)

12 Parts of the Paragraph Development
Main idea Support Conclusion

13 Example of Paragraph Development
Transition Main Idea Her careful preparation, however, had paid off. Foreseeing the reaction of the chemical industry, she had written Silent Spring like a lawyer's brief, with no fewer than 55 pages of notes and a list of experts who had read and approved the manuscript. Many well-known and respected scientists rose to her defense, and when President John F. Kennedy ordered the President's Science Advisory Committee to exam­ine the issues the book raised, its report supported both Silent Spring and its author. As a result, DDT came under much closer government supervision and was eventually banned. Support Conclusion Transition

14 Conclusion The final paragraph of the text concludes the essay starting from the discussed points, and then leading the reader to his/her reality again (the opposite movement of the introduction);  In this paragraph, the thesis statement is discussed once again along the writing text with some points that were already raised in the introduction; Besides summarizing the essay, it enforces the author’s point of view; This final paragraph can leave a question, a quotation, stating a recommendation or even make a prediction that will make the reader think about the subject; The writer can also make suggestions about the subject and also provide solutions to an issue.

15 Parts of the Conclusion
Specific Comments, summary or evaluation; Final statement Ideas of thesis statement General

16 Example of conclusion Ideas of the thesis statements One of the landmark books' of the twentieth century, Silent Spring still speaks to us today, many years after its publication. Equally inspiring is the example of Rachel Carson herself. Against overwhelming difficulties and hardship, despite her own shyness and reserve, and motivated only by her love of nature, she rose like a gladiator in its defense. Comments Final Statement

17 Good Writing!!

18 References:

19 http://web. uvic. ca/wguide/Pages/MasterToc. html http://web. uvic

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