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The Protestant Reformation Through Maps

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1 The Protestant Reformation Through Maps

2 R. H. Bainton The Reformation of the 16c
Thus, the papacy emerged as something between an Italian city-state and European power, without forgetting at the same time the claim to be the vice-regent of Christ. The Pope often could not make up his mind whether he was the successor of Peter or of Caesar. Such vacillation had much to do with the rise and success of the Protestant Reformation.

3 Caricature of Pope Alexander VI by Martin Luther, 1545

4 The Spread of the Printing Press

5 The Holy Roman Empire in the 16c
“the Germanies”

6 The Spread of Lutheranism

7 The Peasant Revolt

8 Calvin’s World in the 16c

9 Protestant Churches in France (Late 16c)

10 Reformation Europe (Late 16c)

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