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by Louise H Hall, Judith Johnson, Ian Watt, and Daryl B O’Connor

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1 by Louise H Hall, Judith Johnson, Ian Watt, and Daryl B O’Connor
Association of GP wellbeing and burnout with patient safety in UK primary care: a cross-sectional survey by Louise H Hall, Judith Johnson, Ian Watt, and Daryl B O’Connor BJGP Volume 69(684):e507-e514 June 27, 2019 ©2019 by British Journal of General Practice

2 Occupational variables, wellbeing, and near misses
Occupational variables, wellbeing, and near misses. b = unstandardised beta. aP<0.01. bP<0.001. Occupational variables, wellbeing, and near misses. b = unstandardised beta. aP<0.01. bP< GHQ = general health questionnaire. Louise H Hall et al. Br J Gen Pract 2019;69:e507-e514 ©2019 by British Journal of General Practice

3 Occupational variables, burnout, and safe practitioner
Occupational variables, burnout, and safe practitioner. b = unstandardised beta. aP<0.05. bP<0.01. cP<0.001. Occupational variables, burnout, and safe practitioner. b = unstandardised beta. aP<0.05. bP<0.01. cP<0.001. Louise H Hall et al. Br J Gen Pract 2019;69:e507-e514 ©2019 by British Journal of General Practice

4 Occupational variables, exhaustion, and safe practitioner
Occupational variables, exhaustion, and safe practitioner. b = unstandardised beta. aP<0.001. Occupational variables, exhaustion, and safe practitioner. b = unstandardised beta. aP<0.001. Louise H Hall et al. Br J Gen Pract 2019;69:e507-e514 ©2019 by British Journal of General Practice

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