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Datatel & Budget Management Training

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Presentation on theme: "Datatel & Budget Management Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Datatel & Budget Management Training
Dean’s Academy Datatel & Budget Management Training Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Seher Awan

2 Agenda Budget Facts Fund Accounting Account Codes
Budget Management through Datatel Budget Transfers & Journal Entries Purchasing using Forms & Datatel Approving Requisitions in Datatel

3 Budget Facts

4 Budget Facts Fiscal Year July 1 through June 30
Role as a Budget Manager Confirm funds are available Confirm account exists Confirm correct account code is being used

5 Fund Accounting

6 Fund Accounting District uses fund accounting – Track revenues & expenses Common Funds You Will See: Fund 10 – General Fund Unrestricted funds Revenues from state and property tax All operating expenses Teaching and support staff salaries Fund 17 – Categorical Funds Grants Categorical Programs

7 Account Codes

8 Account Codes District uses an 18 digit account code
Account code will be composed of the following: Fund – Generally the same for SJCC, EVC, DO Location – Where the account comes from Cost Center – Department or Division User – Grant or special allocation GL/Object Code – Revenue or expense and purpose

9 Fund Location Cost Center User GL/Object
Account Codes Fund Location Cost Center User GL/Object XX XX XXXX XXXXX X XXXX

10 Account Codes Fund will remain the same for both colleges Location
1X – SJCC 2X – EVC 9X – DO Cost Center indicates program or division User Code attached to specific programs, grants, or special allocations to track activity Default/most common “00000”

11 Account Codes GL/Object Code First Digit is GL/General Ledger
4=Revenue 5=Expense Major Class Object Codes – Per State Accountancy Manual 1000 – Instructional salaries 2000 – Classified salaries 3000 – Benefits 4000 – Supplies and materials 5000 – Other operating expenses and services. 6000 – Capital outlay

12 Account Codes Example: 10-11-6721-00000-54300
Fund: Fund 10, General Fund Location: 11, San Jose City College Cost Center: 6721, Business Services User: , User Unspecified GL/Object: , Expense, Non-Instruct. Supplies

13 Budget Management in Datatel

14 Budget Management in Datatel
What is Datatel Financial Module? App or Module known as CF in Datatel Financial accounting software used to track our budgets, revenues, expenditures and account balances Authorized users can view budget balances available, including the nature of expenditures incurred to date. Use this for budget management, purchasing, approvals, etc.

15 Budget Management in Datatel
Most Common Accounting Mnemonics for Budget Management: ACBL – Perform account balance inquiries GLBR – Create reports to view account balances by department, division, location, fund, object code, and user codes

16 ACBL in Datatel

17 Budget Management in Datatel
ACBL Allows you to review the current status of accounts Real time basis View current requisitions in progress (not approved) Current encumbrances (existing PO’s) Actual expenses Balance available

18 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 1: Login & Accept FERPA Notice Step 2: Select the CF Application Step 3: Type in or double click ACBL Step 4: Enter Account # Step 5: Enter Fiscal Year Step 6: View Results

19 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 1: Login in & Accept FERPA Notice

20 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

21 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 2: Select the CF App to access the financial module

22 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 3: Type ACBL or Select from Drop Down Options

23 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

24 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 4: Enter Account #

25 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 5: Enter Fiscal Year

26 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

27 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Step 6: View Results

28 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Allocated Budget Budget awarded for the year Drill Down Option Can view Budget Transfers here

29 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Actuals Actual expenses deducted Drill Down Option Detailed expenses by date

30 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

31 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Encumbrances All existing PO’s (Purchase Orders) The remaining balance available Total amount of encumbrances (reserved funds)

32 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

33 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Unencumbered Balance Can view funds available Does not include encumbrances Does not include requisitions

34 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Requisitions Unapproved Requisitions Still in the approval queue Not yet BPO/PO’s Still reserves funds within the budget

35 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

36 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Available Funds Funds Remaining Actuals Deducted Encumbrances Deducted Requisitions Deducted Any other expenses incurred come from this amount Check Requests Conference Requests

37 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL

38 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Exit Screen & Enter New Account Number Exit Screen & Return to Menu Page

39 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Or Select F9 or F10 on your keyboard to Exit

40 Budget Management in Datatel ACBL
Reminders: If account does not exist, redirected to home page New accounts require a budget transfer and Budget Manager ID#

41 GLBR in Datatel

42 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Step 1: Login & Accept FERPA Notice Step 2: Select the CF Application Step 3: Type in or double click GLBR Step 4: Confirm correct Fiscal Year and Date Range are selected Step 5: Type “A” in the Include All Accounts Field Step 6: Drill Down on the GL Account Definitions and enter parameters Step 7: Specify Sorting requirements Step 8: Proceed with Report

43 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Step 3: Type in or Select GLBR

44 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

45 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Step 4: Confirm correct Fiscal Year and date range

46 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

47 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Step 5: Type “A” in the Include All Accounts field.

48 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Step 6: Drill Down on the GL Account Definitions Field – Press F2

49 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

50 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Search Parameters Can Search By: Fund Location Cost Center User Specify whether to include or exclude information

51 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

52 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

53 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

54 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

55 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

56 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

57 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

58 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Step 7: Specify Sorting Requirements (Drill Down or F2)

59 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

60 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

61 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

62 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

63 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

64 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

65 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

66 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

67 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

68 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

69 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

70 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

71 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

72 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

73 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

74 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

75 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

76 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

77 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR

78 Budget Management in Datatel GLBR
Reminders: Reports may not always be accurate or in real time Allows for flexibility with reporting Accurate way to track by quarter and create projections Can also sort by major object code and summarize accounts

79 Budget Transfers (BT’s)

80 Budget Transfers Budget Transfers should take place when:
Manager perceives there may be insufficient funds to meet needs of program AND there are excess funds in another account All funds must be kept in balance

81 Budget Transfers When completing a budget transfer, the accounts must have the following: Same fund Same location Same user Detailed reason for the transfer Use ACBL to confirm funds are available for transfer If moving funds out of object codes, board approval is needed Employees are paid regardless of funds available This does not negate managers’ obligation to assure accounts have funds Ex. Adjunct and Hourly

82 Budget Transfers

83 Journal Entries (JV’s)

84 Journal Entries Journal entries/vouchers used to move EXPENSES from one account to another. Expenses can transfer between funds and accounts Object code should usually remain the same (if correct) If JV salaries, must also JV corresponding benefits

85 Journal Entries Common reasons for moving expenses
Incorrect object code was used Original expense in wrong division or department, but same object code Moving expenses to have another division/department cover expense Expenses exceeding fund balance in Grant Funds

86 Journal Entries

87 Purchasing

88 Purchasing How do I pay for an item or service?
Items $500 should always be purchased through Datatel & Requisition Process Equipment & Furniture should ALWAYS be purchased through Datatel Other Purchases are in two groups: Items under $500 using a Requisition in Datatel Employee Purchases being reimbursed

89 Purchasing Forms to use for Purchasing:
District Request for Check Form should be used: For items already received, invoice must be attached, amount of purchase less that $500, except furniture/equipment For prepayments for conference costs (regardless of amount) For memberships and subscriptions (regardless of amount) For payment to Independent Contractors (Contract required) for contracts totaling less than $500 Employee reimbursements over $50 are discouraged, Policy

90 Purchasing Employees are also reimbursed using these forms: Petty Cash
Amounts under $50.00 If multiple receipts totaling over $50.00, use District Request for Check Form Must come out of your budget Specify correct account # & object code

91 Purchasing Employees are also reimbursed using these forms:
Mileage Form Reimburses employee travel per mile IRS rate, currently $0.565 per mile  Normal commute not included Request for Conference Attendance Used when away from campus, approve activity related to work Use this form and District Request for Check to pay for conferences

92 Purchasing through Datatel
Steps for Purchasing through Datatel: Requisition entered in Datatel (usually by administrative assistants) Requisition goes through approval queue Requisition Approved and sent to purchasing Purchasing processes and sends a PO (Purchase Order) to vendor Money is reserved (encumbered) in your budget and balance available reduces Goods ordered by department (place your order) Goods delivered by vendor Vendor invoices the college You approve the invoice for payment (Reference PO/BPO #) and return to AP Invoice is processed and check is sent to vendor

93 Purchasing through Datatel
Need a good or service Requisition entered in Datatel Requisition goes through approval queue Requisition approved and sent to Purchasing Purchasing processes and sends a PO (Purchase Order) to vendor Money encumbered in your account Goods ordered by you Goods delivered by vendor Vendor invoices the college You approve invoice, reference PO/BPO, return to Accounts Payable Invoice processed and check is sent to vendor

94 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

95 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Requisitions in Datatel must be approved by: You as the Budget Manager Business Services Supervisor Purchasing Department Depending on Fund, additional approvers required

96 Creating Approval Passwords in Datatel

97 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 1: Login & Accept FERPA Notice Step 2: Select the CF Application Step 3: Type in APPW or double click Purchasing, Approvals, APPW Step 4: Enter your user name (should be what you use to login to Datatel) Step 5: Enter a password you would like to use to approve requisitions Step 6: Retype password to confirm Step 7: F10 or save to update and exit screen Step 8: Select Finish to exit the process

98 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 3: Type APPW or Select APPW-Approval Password Maintenance from drop down menu

99 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 4: Enter your user name and select OK (Username to login to Datatel)

100 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 5: Create a password you would like to use to approve requisitions. Then Select OK.

101 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 6: Re-enter your password to confirm and then select OK.

102 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 7: Press F10 to update and save password.

103 Creating Approval Password in Datatel
Step 8: Select Finish to complete the process.

104 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

105 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 1: Login & Accept FERPA Notice Step 2: Select the CF Application Step 3: Type in or select APRN to view requisitions that need approval Step 4: Enter your Datatel User Name when prompted for Authorization Lookup Step 5: Enter the Fiscal Year Step 6: Enter Approval Password Step 7: Drill Down in each requisition and review Step 8: Approve in approval queue and ensure forwarding, F10 to save

106 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 3: Type APRN or Select APRN to access approval queue.

107 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 4: Enter your Datatel User Name in the Authorization Lookup Field.

108 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 5: Enter the Fiscal Year and select OK.

109 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 6: Enter your Approval Password and select OK.

110 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 7: F2 or Drill Down in each requisition and review.

111 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

112 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

113 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

114 Approving Requisitions in Datatel
Step 8: Approve in Approval queue, ensure forwarding, F10 to save

115 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

116 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

117 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

118 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

119 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

120 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

121 Approving Requisitions in Datatel

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