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Scantron Testing Training Feedback: Round 1

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1 Scantron Testing Training Feedback: Round 1
Thomasville City Schools September 12, 2017 Ms. G

2 Having trouble logging in to Scantron?
Just breathe... and let me help! Shoot “G” an .

3 Test Spoiling There are two types of test spoiling: (1) manual spoiling of a test by a Location Controller; and (2) automated spoiling by the Scantron system based on unusual student activity. Manual Spoiling In case of an emergency, a Location Controller can stop a test before it is completed so that it is not considered a valid testing attempt. Test spoiling should only be done for instances in which a student is unable to complete a test due to illness or an on-site emergency. Test spoiling reports will be provided to the ALSDE on a weekly basis for monitoring and follow up as needed. Location Controller Staff: T. Sullivan (TES/TMS), J. Figgers (TMS), K. Huggins (TMS), A. Culpepper (TES) Location Controller: D. Gillis (All Schools)

4 Automated Spoiling As a default, Performance Series will automatically spoil a test if the online activity by a student is following a usual pattern. This functionality has been turned off for the school year. There will be no automated spoiling for students. Test Pausing Pausing during a test session should only occur if unusual circumstances have occurred during the testing session (e.g., misconduct of a student, illness of a student, suspicion of cheating, interruption of testing).

5 Expected Test Times Adaptive assessments vary in test time for each student. The average testing time for a Performance Series exam is 45 – 60 minutes for the initial administration. Policy for use of Calculators Math items can be answered without the use of a calculator. If, however, you would like to have calculators available, only students in Grades 6-8 should be provided with a four-function calculator during the test administration. Scratch Paper Scratch paper should be provided for all Math assessments. All scratch paper should be collected and shredded at the end of each testing session.

6 Go Tigers! We’ve Got This! Teamwork! Let’s Do it Tigers!! Turn Up Tiger Team!

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