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PRIMARY ASSESSMENT: Detect immediate threats to life

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Presentation on theme: "PRIMARY ASSESSMENT: Detect immediate threats to life"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIMARY ASSESSMENT: Detect immediate threats to life
Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Severe Bleeding, Shock © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

2 Primary Assessment Components
General Impression Mental Status Airway Breathing Circulation Bleeding Shock © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

3 General Impression Scene including safety of you and others
Mechanism of injury Seriousness of the injury Condition of the athlete Number involved Need for higher level of care Visible injuries © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

4 AVPU Mental Status Level of response from the athlete
Alert Verbal Painful Unresponsive Focus the athlete on you Questions Fear AVPU © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

5 Airway & Breathing Unresponsive – open airway – 5 to 10 seconds
Head tilt – chin lift vs jaw thrust Breathing clues Chest rise Mouth vapor Rescue breathing vs chest compressions Pulse, not breathing on own No pulse © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

6 Circulation Pulse check Chest compressions AED Advance care
Carotid or radial Brachial (infant) Chest compressions AED Advance care © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

7 Severe Bleeding Life threatening Spurting blood is arterial bleeding
Direct pressure Tourniquet Leads to shock © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

8 Hypoperfusion Inadequate amount of blood delivered to vital organs with loss of fluids leading to a drop in blood pressure with shunting of blood from extremities to organs Signs and Symptoms pale, cool grey skin nausea/ vomiting decreased blood pressure decreased heart rate thirst loss of consciousness © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

9 Treatment for Shock Keep temperate No oral fluids Elevate legs
Supplemental oxygen Treat other injuries Bleeding Fractures Monitor vital signs Advanced care © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

10 Primary Assessment Wrap Up
Monitor 15 minutes if stable / 5 minutes if unstable May not get to Secondary Assessment Assist EMS with packaging and transport Move onto Secondary assessment if stable © 2018 Cogent Steps, LLC

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