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Moving the Church Forward

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2 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid Philippians 3:12-15

3 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid Sermon Series: 1. Challenges to Accept. 2. Enemies to Defeat. 3. Dangers to Avoid. 4. Opportunities to Take. 5. Attitudes to Develop.

4 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid Last week the lesson was: Enemies to Defeat 1. Ignorance. 2. Apathy. 3. Unbelief. 4. Sin.

5 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid DANGERS TO AVOID

6 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid We must avoid… FALSE DOCTRINE

7 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid We must avoid… DIVISION

8 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid We must avoid… EXTREMISM

9 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid We must avoid… OVER-REACTION

10 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid We must avoid over-reaction… 1. Find the right road (Mt. 7:13,14). 2. Keep yourself stable (Eph. 4:14,15). 3. Walk in holiness (Isa. 35:8,9). 4. Don’t use your privileges as a license (Jude 4). 5. Live sensibly (Ti. 2:12).

11 Moving the Church Forward
Dangers to Avoid If the church is to move forward into the future we must realize the following dangers: 1. False Doctrine. 2. Division. 3. Extremism. 4. Over-reaction. Are you doing your part? WILL YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE?


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