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What’s New in the FRS? (Don’t Kill the Messenger!)

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New in the FRS? (Don’t Kill the Messenger!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New in the FRS? (Don’t Kill the Messenger!)
Presented by Brooke Stearns Sr. Human Resources Manager Osceola County

2 Changes that Affect You
Effective July 1st: 3% Mandatory Employee Contributions (pre-tax) 4.91% Employer Contribution for Regular Class TOTAL: 7.91% vs % last year

3 Other rates NEW PRIOR Elected Officials 11.14% 18.64% Special Risk 14.10% 23.25% Sr. Management 6.27% 14.57% DROP 4.42%* 12.25% Judges 11.69% 21.79% Legislature 9.04% 16.34% *Effective July 1, 2011 – DROP participants are NOT required contribute 3%

4 Vesting You are fully vested in your own contributions immediately If you were hired PRIOR to July, 2011 vesting rules remain the same: 6 years for Pension 1 year for Investment “High Five” is counted (AFC) If you were hired on or AFTER July 1, 2011 vesting is: 8 years for Pension “High Eight” is counted (AFC) Must be terminated 3 calendar months. Cannot receive a hardship loan. If you take out money: Pension Plan: do not receive credit but can buy back later. Investment Plan: forfeit an unvested contributions and service credit, be a retiree and will not be eligible for FRS membership upon rehire. Employee contributions DO NOT earn interest.

5 Normal Retirement Date
Regular Class: If you were hired PRIOR to July 1, 2011 your Normal Retirement Date is age 62 and 6 years of service or any age with 30 years of service ON or AFTER July 1, 2011 your Normal Retirement Date is age 65 and 8 years of service or any age with 33 years of service Special Risk: If you were hired PRIOR to July 1, 2011 your Normal Retirement Date is age 55 and 6 years of service or any age with 25 years of service ON or AFTER July 1, 2011 your Normal Retirement Date is age 60 and 8 years of service or age 57 with 30 years of service.

6 DROP New interest rate: 1.3% vs. 6.65% prior to July 1st. COLA: There will be no Pension Plan COLA on FRS earned after July 1, 2011 DROP COLA is 3% PRIOR to August 1, 2011 You will have a new COLA based on a calculation in you enter DROP on or AFTER August 1, 2011 Roughly a 12% reduction in the ending balance after 5 years.

7 Switching from Pension to Investment
Make sure you are vested before making the change Call your County FRS Liaison Contact MyFRS Financial Line

8 Where are we headed? Class Action Lawsuit – Trial set for October 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM Continue to Contact Your Representatives

9 Proactive Practices Create Positive results!
Be Informed Contact your Legislature and local Representatives Plan for YOUR future

10 Thank you! QUESTIONS?

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