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Risk Management in Treasury Operations

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1 Risk Management in Treasury Operations
Group 1 Risk Management in Treasury Operations Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, and Russia Vienna, May 31, 2017

2 1.1. Is risk management part of regular responsibilities of any of the functions / units of the treasury in your country? Risk management is a management function in all countries, although in many of them it is not formalized nor captured in job descriptions Russia and Moldova – risk management is captured in the job description of certain positions and units in charge of improving internal public financial control Аrmenia – Risk Strategy and Management Unit in the Debt Management Department

3 1.2. Was formal risk analysis / assessment undertaken for any of the treasury functions / processes? If yes, specify the functions / processes and context of the analysis. Is this a regular / periodic activity or a one – time undertaking? - Russia and Kazakhstan – carry out an annual update of the classifier, a quarterly risk review, and an update of the internal control map Moldova carries out quarterly risk assessment and register update

4 1.3. Does your treasury have internal documents / methodology that define approaches to risk management? If yes, specify the documents. - Russia has for treasury risk management concept in place, an external risk register, a joint working group with the Chamber of Accounts, an internal treasury policy on risk management, and a risk classifier Kazakhstan is designing an instruction on Treasury Risk Management Moldova has a risk register in place and uses a manual on risk analysis

5 Armenia – green corridor for extrabudgetary funds
2. Do you consider that the concept of the “green corridor” could work in your countries? - Kazakhstan and Russia have already implemented the green corridor arrangement (known as automatic authorization in Russia) Armenia – green corridor for extrabudgetary funds Belarus and Moldova – differentiation of control levels Kirgizstan is considering the possibility of implementing it

6 2. Do you consider that the concept of the “green corridor” could work in your countries? Benefits/risks/mitigation of risks Benefits - Easing the staff work load - Acceleration of payments - Better services quality Risks - Shortage of liquidity - Quality of liquidity planning and forecasting - Does not rule out violations, detection mechanism not clear Prerequisites - Division of responsibilities - Authorization mechanism, interaction with controlling authorities - Regulatory framework - Criteria - Information system

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