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World Trade Around The World Entry 10pt 10 pt 10 pt 10pt 10 pt 20 pt

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Presentation on theme: "World Trade Around The World Entry 10pt 10 pt 10 pt 10pt 10 pt 20 pt"— Presentation transcript:

1 World Trade Around The World Entry 10pt 10 pt 10 pt 10pt 10 pt 20 pt
Global Strategy Entry Modes Culture 10pt 10 pt 10 pt 10pt 10 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20pt 20pt 20 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40pt 40 pt 40pt 50pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt

2 NY Times columnist going back
to the theory that the world is flat

3 Who is Thomas Friedman?


5 What is Foreign Direct Investment?

6 America’s top trading partner

7 Who is Canada?

8 Moving work to other countries

9 What is offshoring?

10 Act of contracting with an outside
provider to produce goods and services

11 What is outsourcing?

12 Canada, USA, Mexico trade organization

13 What is NAFTA

14 Largest trading block in Europe

15 What is the European Union?

16 Name two Asian trading blocks

17 What are Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and
Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN)?

18 BRIC Nations

19 What are Brazil, Russia, India, and China?

20 Central American effort at
its own trading block

21 American Free Trade Agreement?
What is CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement?

22 Strategy views the world as a single market. Operations are controlled
centrally from the corporate office

23 What is a Global strategy?

24 This strategy has high pressure for global
integration and high pressure for local responsiveness

25 What is Transnational strategy?

26 Describe the International strategy model

27 What is using existing core capabilities
to expand into foreign markets, doesn’t compete on costs, and doesn’t need to adjust to local tastes?

28 Which strategy model is the most decentralized and responds
to local tastes the most?

29 What is the Multinational model?

30 The two dimensions on Bartlett & Ghoshal’s 2x2 matrix describing
global strategies for competition

31 What are pressures for “global integration”
and “local responsiveness”?

32 Wholly Owned Subsidiary
Exporting, Licensing, Franchising, Joint Venture, and Wholly Owned Subsidiary

33 international markets?
What are 5 ways to enter international markets?

34 “Let’s get married in a business enterprise”

35 What is joint venture?

36 Sending stuff you make overseas

37 What is exporting?

38 This entry mode gives you the most
control over keeping your secrets and technology from being stolen

39 What is wholly owned subsidiary?

40 Hilton Hotels, McDonalds restaurants Are examples of this entry mode.

41 What is franchising?

42 Foreign national brought in to work
at the parent company

43 What is an inpatriate?

44 Expatriate

45 Where is Bhopal, India?

46 by your own group’s standards
Tendency to judge others by your own group’s standards

47 What is ethnocentrism?

48 Geert Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions

49 What are power distance, Individualism/collectivism,
Uncertainty avoidance, and Masculinity/femininity?

50 illegal for US companies to bribe foreign officials
This US law makes it illegal for US companies to bribe foreign officials

51 Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977?

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