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How can a loving God send anyone to an eternal hell? (2)

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Presentation on theme: "How can a loving God send anyone to an eternal hell? (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can a loving God send anyone to an eternal hell? (2)
Problems Christians Face

2 In our last lesson: A complex question involving many Biblical subjects Often used by skeptics and atheists to reject God, or the God of the Bible They rationalize that a good God is inconsistent with eternal torment They are not alone!

3 In our last lesson: We focused on the nature of God – - He is holy - He is righteous and just - We must understand how terrible sin is We must let God be God - Factor our limitations in understanding God’s qualities

4 In our last lesson: We focused on the nature of God – - God is a God of love – demonstrated in sending Jesus - Demonstrated in what He offers us (man doesn’t struggle with God offering eternal life) Tonight, we will address the nature of hell

5 The nature of hell What is hell?
The place of punishment and consequence from rejecting God It is a place where God will NOT be – 2 Thessalonians 1:9 Matthew 7:23, 25:41 This is something most do not fully comprehend Separated from everything pure and good

6 The nature of hell A place of torments The place of punishment Weeping and gnashing of teeth, outer darkness – Matthew 25:30 The worm doesn’t die – Mark 9:44ff We should NOT wish this on anyone Consider profanity

7 The nature of hell A place of torments
These are physical descriptions to describe a spiritual place Jesus used “Gehenna” – the garbage dump of Jerusalem, cf. 2 Chronicles 28:2-3, 33:6, 2 Kings 23:10 – Josiah) The point is to help us grasp just how terrible it will be to be separated from God

8 The nature of hell An eternal place Matthew 18:8, Revelation 20:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Jude 7, etc. Many seek to minimize this place Matthew 25:46 – as eternal as heaven A place of consciousness

9 The nature of hell Summarized Hell is a place described, that we do everything we can to avoid going there. We should NOT wish this on anyone. If this punishment were anything less, what incentive would men have to willingly submit to Him

10 The nature of hell ALL have opportunity to avoid it
The blood of Jesus is available to all – John 3:16, Romans 6:10 We were created upright Ecclesiastes 7:29, Genesis 1:26-27 We sin when we give in to temptations – James 1:12-13, Corinthians 10:13

11 The nature of hell ALL have opportunity to avoid it God doesn’t want any to perish – 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4 BUT, He will not FORCE anyone to obey Him in this life Those eternally lost are there by their choice, their rebellion Romans 2:5, Thessalonians 1:8

12 The nature of hell ALL have opportunity to avoid it Those eternally lost are there by their choice, their rebellion Ezekiel 18:29-32

13 Can I be happy with loved ones lost?
Exactly how this will happen we cannot say BUT we are promised that in heaven, there will be no tears or sorrow – Revelation 21:4 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:5, Romans 8:18

14 Can I be happy with loved ones lost?
Indirectly, consider the rich man (and Lazarus) Luke 16:22-31 Finally, again remember the character of God – He is a just and righteous God. His is a divine justice

15 Final thoughts Can we truly question God on this? Man struggles with this because he doesn’t like it and THINKS it is unfair. Is he thinking about this from God’s standpoint?

16 Final thoughts Can we truly question God on this?
Consider the other side – not only can the blood of Jesus keep us out of hell, but it can give us eternal life – Matthew 25:46, 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Romans 2:7 IS this what we REALLY deserve? But most don’t have a problem with eternal REWARD

17 Final thoughts Considering the severity of hell Will you allow this to rebel and reject Him and ASSURE His wrath? Or will you surrender to Him now are receive an eternal reward in heaven? How can we help you?

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