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Local and Federal Accountability

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1 Local and Federal Accountability
Board of Education April 2, 2019 Lisa Kotowski

2 Executive Summary School Name Title I Status 17/18 Assistance Status
Reporting Year Christa McAuliffe Middle No ATSI 2018 Ronald E. McNair High Yes Parklane Elementary Clairmont Elementary Delta Sierra Middle Wagner-Holt Elementary Beckman Elementary Sutherland Elementary Independence CSI Grad Liberty High Henderson CSI Low Perform Davis Elementary Lodi Middle Westwood Elementary

3 Local Control Funding Formula Accountability (LCFF)
No longer a single score (API) Focused on equity and student group performance What is it? Differentiated Assistance (DA) District identified based on the student group performance on the dashboard. Student group must meet the criteria in two or more State Priorities

4 Dashboard Indicators(s)
Priority Area Priority Area Dashboard Indicators(s) Pupil Achievement (Priority 4) Red on both EA and Math Or Red on ELA or Math and Orange on the other Pupil Engagement (Priority 5) Red on Graduation Rate Red on Chronic Absenteeism School Climate (Priority 6) Red on Suspension Rate Outcomes in a Broad Course of Study Red on College/Career Indicator

5 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) District provides support to eligible schools What Sites? Title I schools and all high schools How Identified? Based on “All Student” Performance (color) on the dashboard

6 Eligibility Criteria School Type Criteria Title I School Eligibility
All Red Or Combination of all Red and Orange All Red except one indicator of any other color At least five indicators with the majority Red High School Eligibility Graduation Rate below 67% (average of two years graduation rates: class of 2017 and 2018)

7 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) Who is eligible? All schools How are schools identified? Based on Student Group performance on the dashboard. The same student group must meet the criteria two years in a row.

8 Eligibility Eligibility
Based on Student Group Performance over Two years All Red Or Combination of all Red and Orange All Red except one indicator of any other color At least five indicators with the majority Red

9 Requirements Differentiated Assistance (DA) State
Identified district include DA eligibility in the Greatest Need section of the Plan Summary section of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Additional Target Support and Improvement (ATSI) Schools must complete a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) regardless of Title I status. District must complete CSI prompts in the Plan Summary section of the LCAP

10 Implementation of Differentiated Assistance (DA) and Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
District staff is working in conjunction with San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) and site leadership to provide assistance in developing plans and actions for DA and CSI.

11 Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement Funding (ESSA – CSI)
The district submitted an application and received funding to assist the identified CSI schools in implementing the CSI strategies and/or activities directly related to their improvement planning and implementation efforts. Total funding granted is $1,034,652. First apportionment is 25% - $258,663 Funding it to be used March 18, 2019 – September 30, 2020.

12 Allowable Activities and Costs
CSI funds must only be spent on CSI strategies and/or activities directly related to the following improvement planning and implementation efforts: Capacity building Plan development and implementation, including: Partnering with stakeholders Conducting needs assessments and root cause analysis Identification/development of evidence-based interventions, strategies, and/or activities Using data to develop, implement, monitor , and evaluate improvement efforts Reviewing/identifying resource inequities, which may include a review of LEA- and school- level budgeting

13 Disallowable Activities and Costs
Hiring additional permanent staff Supplanting of existing funding and efforts, including costs otherwise necessary to operate a school without these funds Acquisition of equipment for administrative or personal use Acquisition of furniture (e.g. bookcases, chairs, desks, file cabinets, tables) unless it is an integral part of an equipment workstation Food services, refreshments, banquets, or meals Purchase or rental of space Payment of membership in professional organizations Purchase of favors, such a bumper stickers, banners, pencils, pens, t-shirts, etc. Subscriptions to journal or magazines Travel outside of the US Capital Outlay (object )

14 Questions

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