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APG Hunting Program.

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Presentation on theme: "APG Hunting Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 APG Hunting Program

2 Introduction Why I Invited You Maps What’s New Tasks Ongoing Agenda

3 Near Term Solutions Update APGR – stream line / make easier to use and understand Define roles and responsibilities and execute what has been published in for all directorates (MWR, DES/CLE, ATC, DPTMS, DPW-Environmental) Review Hunting Areas (Archery, Shotgun/Muzzleloader, Waterfowl) Satellite Maps w/updated hunting areas/stands and waterfowl MWR Hunting Program Facebook Page (See FBNC/FBGA) Streamline how we open hunting areas and who makes the call to close. (roles and responsibilities) Update FMWR website with the most up to date regulation and information. Reinstate APG Trapping program (sell licenses) Out-brief at Hunting Meeting on current and future process. Use of APG MWR Hunt Shack.  10/31/2019

4 Mid and Long Term Solutions
Mid Term Solutions: Develop Tri-Fold/Pocket Cards Way ahead for marking hunting areas and gun stands Season bag limits (increase, decrease or modify based on location) Long Term Solutions: Reduce license cost / off-set revenue by increased sell / increase commercial crabber licenses Refine all hunting areas – open more or shut down permanently. Review APG Reg 200-6 Hunting Program Manager Conservation Plan 10/31/2019

5 Maps New maps: Easier to read – areas superimposed on satellite image
Test roads clearly marked More Edgewood cantonment hunting areas opened 4. MAPS ARE STILL A GUIDE AND DISIGNATED SIGNS IN THE FIELD DENOTE ACTUAL AREA 10/31/2019 5

6 What’s New AR 200-6 Updates: Criminal History Check no longer needed
a. CAC, Military ID or Retiree (military or civilian) ID for affiliated hunters Visitor pass for guests Qualification with bow, firearm and/or muzzleloader required only once Ground blinds now allowed for firearm/gun season: hunters must wear appropriate Daylight Fluorescent orange or pink Three hunters allowed in turkey hunting party (Specific Restrictions) Better integration with NG to make sure Lauderick Creek areas available Trapping program reinstated Call-in procedure for outlying areas (e.g. Carroll Island, Grace’s Quarters) now in regulation and available for entire season 10/31/2019

7 What’s New Cont. AR 200-6 Updates: Seasons:
8. In-Process- new signs visibly marking areas in the field. (Hunting Advisory Committee volunteers have been great help assisting the program with this task) 9. Muzzleloaders being unloaded IAW MD State (Primers Removed) 10. Manufactured full body harness required when hunting from elevated position Seasons: Bow hunting dates: Hunters may hunt with bow during the other firearms season but must wear appropriate Daylight Fluorescent orange or pink. During the muzzleloader season archery hunters must have a muzzleloader stamp (state law) Expanded to include Fridays, Saturdays and President’s Day in February (furbearers and small game) APG Youth Deer Season dates are prior to State Youth Deer Season Dates. (Allows another opportunity specific to introduce youth to hunting. 10/31/2019

8 Establishing additional gun stands within several bow areas
Tasks Ongoing Establishing additional gun stands within several bow areas Working with EUL partners to re-open hunting areas 10/31/2019

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