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Fundamental and Immediate Causes of WWI

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1 Fundamental and Immediate Causes of WWI
Socials 11 Fundamental and Immediate Causes of WWI

2 Fundamental & Immediate Causes
Fundamental cause: Underlying larger issues that cause an event to occur (the big problems) Immediate cause: The spark that starts the event The event starts immediately after the spark

3 Fundamental Causes of WWI
Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

4 Militarism Definition: Background:
The policy of making a country’s armed forces strong Background: Britain = world’s largest navy Two Power Standard Germany begins to increase their navy -> arms race Competition between Britain & Germany for strongest military Arms race = increased tensions & possibility of war

5 Alliances Definition: Background:
Close associations of countries to achieve a common goal -> “I help you, you help me” Usually military protection (security) Background: Triple Alliance (a.k.a. the Central Powers) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente (a.k.a. the Allies) France, Russia, Britain

6 Imperialism Definition: Background:
One country extending authority over another country/ territory i.e. Empires with colonies Background: Resulted from industrialization -> need for raw materials European Empires -> conflict over competing areas Britain & France vs. Germany -> fear of German expansion Austria-Hungary vs. Russia -> fighting over Balkans

7 Nationalism Definition: Background:
Strong feelings of pride based on common bonds of language/ ethnicity/ religion Whole country or group within a country Background: Many ethnic groups within Austria-Hungary A-H takes over Bosnia -> Serbs in Bosnia unhappy -> Black Hand (terrorist group) forms w/ goal of creating a “Greater Serbia”

8 Immediate Cause of WWI June 28, 1914 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated by a member of the Black Hand Countdown to war: A-H and Germany discuss how to deal with crisis Germany gives A-H “Blank Cheque” -> we will support you A-H sends Serbia an ultimatum -> hand over terrorists or go to war Serbia agrees but needs clarification on ultimatum A-H thinks this is a rejection and invades Serbia

9 Immediate Cause of WWI July 28, 1914 – A-H declares war on Serbia
Russia mobilizes Thinks Germany is trying to occupy the Balkans Germany declares war on Russia Supporting A-H France mobilizes Supporting Russia Germany declares war on France Threatened by France supporting Russia

10 Which Cause Does This Cartoon Represent?


12 What are these quotes saying ?
The nations slithered over the brink into the boiling cauldron of war without any trace of apprehension or dismay...   The nations backed their machines over the precipice ....confident they would be victorious David Lloyd George, War Memoirs (1934) Lloyd George was a minister in 1914 and Prime Minister during the war.    There was no "slide" to war, no war caused by "inadvertence," but instead a world war caused by a fearful set of elite statesmen and rulers making deliberate choices. Book review in The American Historical Review of Richard F. Hamilton and Holger H. Herwig, The Origins of World War I (2003)

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