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Graphing Sinusoids.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing Sinusoids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing Sinusoids

2 Sinusoids Sinusoid graphs are used to represent objects that have simple harmonic motion.

3 Definitions Simple Harmonic Motion - If an object has vibrations, then it has simple harmonic motion. Example – swing going back and forth Frequency – number of cycles in a period of time(sound pitch) Hertz – unit of measure for vibrations/second Amplitude – distance from the center line points to the maximum/minimum points (sound volume)

4 Definitions Period – length of one cycle
Key Point Intervals – where you are going to plot the points of your sinusoid graphs Sine: starts at center, then goes to the max amplitude, back to center, and down to min amplitude Ex – (one cycle) Cosine: starts at max amplitude, down to center, down to min amplitude, back to center, and back to max amplitude

5 Equation for Simple Harmonic Motion
A – amplitude - horizontal stretch/shrink T - time

6 Other Equations Needed
Period - Key Point Intervals - Frequency -

7 Graphing To demonstrate how to graph a sinusoid, we are going to use the example equation:

8 Graphing: Step One Find Period: = = 4 Find Key Point Intervals:
Find Amp: 8

9 Graphing: Step 2 See the video on the website

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