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Vocabulary Words American Literature

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Words American Literature"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Words American Literature
Week #3

2 Abstain

3 Abstain Definition: v. – to refrain from doing
Synonym: withhold, avoid, cease, prohibit Antonym: indulge, use

4 Boisterous

5 Boisterous Definition: adj. – noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline Synonym: riotous, vociferous, unruly Antonym: quiet, calm, restrained

6 Capitulate

7 Capitulate Definition: v. – to surrender under agreed conditions
Synonym: succumb, secede, confer Antonym: defend, fight, overpower

8 Diligent

9 Diligent Definition: adj. – quietly and steadily persevering in detail
Synonym: attentive, busy, steadfast, studious Antonym: lazy, negligent,

10 Exemplary

11 Exemplary Definition: adj. – worthy or imitation, serving as an example Synonym: representative, model, top-notch, best Antonym: inferior, worst

12 Hedonist

13 Hedonist Definition: n. – someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures Synonym: glutton, libertine, thrill-seeker Antonym: Puritan

14 Inevitable

15 Inevitable Definition: adj. – incapable of being avoided or prevented
Synonym: undeniable, inescapable, destined Antonym: avoidable, doubtful, unsure

16 Orator

17 Orator Definition: n. – a person who delivers a speech or “oration”
Synonym: lecturer, speaker, announcer Antonym:

18 Prosaic

19 Prosaic Definition: adj. – not fanciful or imaginative; plain
Synonym: simple, routine, lackluster, dull Antonym: creative, imaginative, vibrant

20 Rancorous

21 Rancorous Definition: adj. – showing deep-seated resentment
Synonym: bitter, hateful, virulent, Antonym: content, pleasant, loving, nice

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