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표준해사통신용어 (SMCP) 용어 5.

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Presentation on theme: "표준해사통신용어 (SMCP) 용어 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 표준해사통신용어 (SMCP) 용어 5

2 지난 시간 학습 내용 Refloat Reported Restricted area Roll call Safe speed SWL
Shackle Sling Elongated spreader Stand on

3 핵심 단어 Stripping Track Underway Unlit Veering Walk back
Inshore traffic zone Reporting point Separation zone Traffic lane

4 용어 (Glossary) Stripping Final pumping of tanks residues Survivor
Take off (to) Final pumping of tanks residues A person who continues to live in spite of being in an extremely dangerous situation, e.g. a shipping disaster To lift off from a vessel’s deck (helicopter)

5 용어 (Glossary) Target Tension winch TEU Track The echo generated, e.g. by a vessel, on a radar screen A winch which applies tension to mooring lines to keep them tight Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (standard container dimension) The path followed, or to be followed, between one position and another

6 용어 (Glossary) Transit Transit speed Transhipment (of cargo) Underway Here: the passage of a vessel through a canal, fairway, etc. Speed of a vessel required for passage through a canal, fairway, etc. Here: the transfer of goods from one vessel to another outside harbours Describes a vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground

7 용어 (Glossary) Union purchase
Unlit UTC Variable (of winds) A method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the hatch, the other over the ships side When the light of a buoy or a lighthouse are inoperative Universal Time Co-ordinated (GMT) A wind that is constantly change speed and direction

8 용어 (Glossary) Veering (of wind)
Veer out (to) (of anchors) VHF Walk out (to) (of anchors) Clockwise change in the direction of the wind; opposite of backing To let out a greater length of cable Very High Frequency (30-300MHz) To reverse the action of a windlass to lower the anchor until it is clear of the hawse pipe and ready for dropping

9 용어 (Glossary) Walk back (to)
Waypoint Windward Wreck To reverse the action of a windlass to ease the cable (of anchors) A position a vessel has to pass or at which she has to alter course according to her voyage plan The general direction from which the wind blows; opposite of leeward A vessel which has been destroyed, sunk or abandoned at sea

10 용어 (Glossary) Fairway Navigable part of a waterway Fairway speed
ITZ Manoeuvring speed Navigable part of a waterway Mandatory speed in a fairway Inshore Traffic Zone (of a TSS): A routing measure comprising a designated area between the landward boundary of a TSS and the adjacent coast A vessels reduced speed in circumstances where it may be required to use the engines at short notice

11 용어 (Glossary) Receiving point
Reference line Reporting point A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure A line displayed on the radar screens in VTS Centers and/or electronic sea-charts separating the fairway for inbound and outbound vessels so that they can safely pass each other A mark or position at which a vessel in required to report to the local VTS Station to establish its position

12 용어 (Glossary) Separation zone/line
Traffic clearance Traffic lane A Zone or line separating the traffic lanes in which vessels are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating a traffic lane from the adjacent sea area; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of vessels proceeding in the same direction VTS authorization for a vessel to proceed under conditions specified An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established

13 용어 (Glossary) TSS VTS VTS area Traffic Separation Scheme: a routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment of traffic lanes Vessel Traffic Services: services designed to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment Area controlled by a VTS Centre or VTS Station

14 쪽지시험!

15 다음 시간엔? 기출문제 풀어보기

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