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Governance Council Meeting

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1 Governance Council Meeting
February 9, 2017

2 Agenda Welcome: Cheryl Reardon
Payroll Committee Update: Suzanne Hilleman and Terri Hein Round Table: Angie Johnson, Kevin Ward Phase 1 & 2 Committee Progress: Sue Sager Communications: Lin Larson, Sue Sager Talent Acquisition Director: Cheryl Reardon Year of Innovation - Workload Distribution: Cheryl Reardon Next Steps: Cheryl Reardon

3 Payroll Committee Co-Chairs: Suzanne Hilleman, Terri Hein
Membership: Dan Schropp, Tara Black, Rachel Quinlan, Kyle Anson, Dave Bergeon, Selina Martin, Audra Haddy, Angie Johnson, Debby Zumbach Administrative Liaison: Joni Troester Charge: Research, propose and implement strategic alignment for payroll to maximize service quality, efficiency, minimize risk and meet compliance requirements.

4 Payroll Committee What has changed?
Prior to UHR realignment to President’s Office, Payroll function was housed in UHR under the oversight of the Senior VP for Finance and Operations (SVPFO). In current structure, Payroll has no direct or indirect reporting line to the SVPFO or Chief Financial Officer.

5 Payroll Committee Guiding Principles
Paying employees correctly and on time is a priority Governmental compliance and strong internal controls must be maintained Collaborative relationships with campus stakeholders is vital to successful operations Focus on efficiency and additional services to campus through continued IT enhancements (as well as review of business processes/practices to reduce administrative burden for campus) Committee articulation of business case for recommendation

6 Payroll Committee Activities/Deliverables
External Benchmarking to identify organizational structures at other universities Internal stakeholder feedback: ITS, Grant Accounting, Accounting and Financial Reporting, Health Care, Faculty HR, HR unit reps Identify various structure options and review pros and cons/risks for each option Submit a written recommendation to Governance Council and UI leadership

7 Payroll Committee Timeline
December 2016 – Committee began, review data January 2017 – Began pro/con/risks/mitigation exercise March 2017 – Proposal April – begin implementation

8 HR Round Table Members: Angie Johnson, Kevin Ward, Sue Sager Task Force Recommendation #2 Develop a forum for sharing ideas and strategies to enhance the role of HR in high-performing organizations. Enlist campus leaders and colleagues in shaping HR and compliance strategy. Engage deans and associate deans around faculty HR issues, tap faculty expertise in HR and related fields, invite external experts, and build professional networks.

9 HR Round Table University of Iowa HR Leadership Advisory Council
Proposed Membership: Exclusive to upper level college and org leadership Purpose: Provide opportunity for dialogue and feedback about strategic HR priorities, services, challenges, compliance, etc. Proposed Timeline: Summer 2017 Corridor Chief Human Resources Officer Round Table Proposed Membership: Exclusive to Chief Human Resources Officers of large employers in the corridor area Purpose: Leverage collaboration for common challenges (dual career, diversity). Share best practices; networking Proposed Timeline: Fall 2017

10 Phase 1 Committee Status
Initiation Planning Implementation Evaluation Governance Council Immigration FMLA IT Transition HR Independent Organization Payroll

11 Phase 2 Committee Status
Initiation Planning Implementation Evaluation Data-Driven Decisions Benchmarking Diversity Talent Acquisition Training and Onboarding

12 Phase 2 Committee Preparation
Co-chairs Committee Structure Training and On Boarding Jan. 26 & Feb.6 Leo Agnew Sean Hesler Advisory Committee Data Driven Decisions Feb. 1 & Feb. 23 Keith Clasen Nikole Mac Technical & Advisory Committees Benchmarking Feb. 10 Debra McFall-Wallerich Teresa Kulper Diversity Jan. 13 & Feb. 14 Nadine Petty Candace Peters Talent Acquisition TBD Chris Annicella Rebecca Schwertfeger

13 Talent@Iowa Communications
Website: Regular content updates as new material becomes available ( Progress updates: First quarterly infographic developed and being distributed Toolkits: Messages, templates, other resources for committees available or being finalized Campus communications: Overview and initial success stories still in development; coordinating publication with debut of quarterly HR newsletter

14 Building Capacity – Talent Acquisition
Marguerite Granat New Director of Talent Acquisition begins March 31st 20+ years of experience in Talent Acquisition/Recruiting/Exec Searches Strategic Workforce Planner and Talent Acquisition Strategist (HCI) Certified Internet Recruiter and Certified Social Sourcing Recruiter Special thanks to the search committee and the HR community for your active involvement Talent Acquisition System Early stage planning Recurring funding identified

15 Year of HR Innovation 2017 Ideas for managing workloads
49 responses to January question: Understand perceptions Establish accountability Focus on supervisors Evaluate priorities and processes Value top performers Address HR-specific needs Full summary at

16 March Governance Council Meeting
TUESDAY, March :30- 4:30 Seebohm 283 EMRB Proposed agenda: FMLA Recommendation Payroll Recommendation Date rescheduled due to inaugural UI HR conference Executive Committee meetings Wednesdays, 1 p.m., 121A USB

17 Governance Council Meetings
Date Time Location Thursday, February 9 11 a.m.-noon USB Training Tuesday, March 7* 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. 283 EMRB (Seebohm) Thursday, April 13 USB - 302 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, July 13 USB 112 – Training Thursday, August 10 Thursday, September 14 Thursday, October 12 *Date rescheduled for HR conference Executive Committee meetings Wednesdays, 1 p.m., 121A USB

18 Governance Council Action
Promotion of Share infographics Express appreciation to committee members and chairs Refer to key talking points: advances the UI strategic plan’s emphasis on the university’s people. Implementing is a collaborative effort driven by the whole HR community. prioritizes strategy alongside operations—more proactive approaches to recruiting, workforce planning, etc. Increased efficiencies should save departments time and money. Changes will balance coordination and flexibility, giving departments additional autonomy. Other projects (like are closely integrated—they all inform each other.

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