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Training Module 7 of 10: Social Emotional Learning

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1 Training Module 7 of 10: Social Emotional Learning
Five Core Competencies

2 Today’s Goals Academic Goal:
To become more knowledgeable about Social Emotional Learning. Social Goal: To respectfully listen in open dialogue with each other. Jill

3 WHY SEL? Reason #1

4 WHY SEL? Reason #2

5 The Whole Child Community Home School
A child within an ecology of multiple and interconnected parts nested in overlapping systems Community Home School Cognitive Social Physical Emotional This is another representation of the vision, mission, and goals of ISBE. Note the intersections of the various developmental domains with the spaces and places in which a child lives and grows within systems where individuals, regardless of age, are able to access the supports required to live a full and enriching life requires a diligent and relentless focus on equity and a constant and careful consideration of the unintended consequences that can result from any policy determination.

6 #186 Board Policy Student social and emotional development shall be incorporated in the District's educational program and shall be consistent with the social and emotional development standards to be contained in the Illinois Learning Standards.

7 What is SEL? Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to: Understand and manage emotions Set and achieve positive goals Feel and show empathy for others Establish and maintain positive relationships And make responsible decisions.

8 Adult SEL Competence and Learning
Adults who have the ability to recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate emotions are more likely to demonstrate patience and empathy, encourage healthy communication, and create safe learning environments. Brackett, Katella, Kremenitzer, Alster, and Caruso, 2008 In another study however, only 36% of those tested were able to accurately identify their emotions as they happened. Bradberry, Greaves, 2009

9 SEL Starts with Adults

10 Self-Awareness Identifying emotions Accurate self- perception
Recognizing strengths Sense of self-confidence Self-efficacy


12 1st Competency is…. Self-awareness: Know your strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”

13 Assess Self Awareness Rank each competency area from easiest (1) to hardest (4+) for you personally. Then share one area with a friend. Example: Self Awareness-Competency Area 1 Identify Emotions 3 Accurate Self-Perception 2 Recognizing Strengths 4 Self-Confidence 5 Self-Efficacy Self Awareness Jill Make it personal Think about which ones do you model As a human being Your own SEL competencies Rank them by easiest and hardest by competency area 1 (easiest) to 5 (hardest)

14 Tips for Developing Self Awareness
Keep an open mind. Be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses. Stay focused. Set boundaries Know your emotional triggers. Embrace your intuition. Practice self-discipline.

15 Paired Share Reflection
Are there any patterns you notice? Do your strengths and/or weaknesses cluster in any one area? Which of your strengths do you rely heavily on in your current work position? Are there any areas you would like to particularly work on and improve upon? What are some things you could do that would support that?

16 Self-Management Impulse control Stress management Self-discipline
Self-motivation Goal setting Organizational skills

17 The Challenge Anyone can become angry – that’s easy but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way –this is not easy. Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics

18 SEL Development “Rewire” your responses to feelings
Change how you think about the situation Alter your behavior EMOTIONS > THOUGHTS > BEHAVIOR > PERFORMANCE Emotions Thoughts Behavior Performance

19 Social-Awareness Perspective-taking Empathy Appreciating diversity
Respect for others

20 Relationship-Skills Communication Social engagement
Building relationships Working cooperatively Resolving conflicts Helping/Seeking help

21 Responsible Decision-Making
Problem identification Situation analysis Problem-solving Evaluation Reflection Ethical responsibility

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