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The welfare requirements within the EYFS.

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1 The welfare requirements within the EYFS.

2 Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare.
All setting must have clear policies and procedures. Any allegations regarding staff must be reported to Ofsted. Any allegations must follow the procedures and the child protection officer will inform social services.

3 Safeguarding continued…
Parents need a range of information from the setting including, routines, complaints procedure, food to be provided and activities. The setting must obtain the following information from parents; Emergency contacts, who has parental responsibility, dietary and health requirements,.

4 More safeguarding. Equality of opportunities- The setting must support children with learning difficulties and disabilities. The setting must have an equal opportunities policy. Outings- Risk assessments must be carried out. Procedures must be followed. Parental permission is a must. (Contact numbers, first aid kit, mobile phone and insurance details are needed on day)

5 Safeguarding continued…
Medicines- The must be a policy on administering medicines and parents must give permission. Illness and injury- At least one first aider must be on site. Fist aid box contents should be kept up to date. You must have a first aid book. Food and drink- Must be healthy and nutritious. Water must be available at all times. Smoking- The setting must be a smoke free zone. Behaviour management- Corporal punishment should never be given. Policies should be in place and followed.

6 Suitable people. Safe recruitment- CRB checks to be carried out on all staff who have unsupervised access to children. Settings have records of CRB’s, names, numbers and dates. Ofsted must be informed of changes within the setting. Alcohol- Practitioners should not be under the influence of any substance. Qualifications and training- Staff must have at least level 2 qualifications. (set to change 2012) Childminders and managers must hold at least a level 3. Knowledge must be kept up to date. Ratios must be kept at all times. ( During breaks, sickness and trips)

7 Suitable premises, environment.
Risk assessments must be carried out at least once a year or more and frequently where need arises. A risk assessment must identify areas and whom they have been checked by. Ofsted need to be notified in changes to premises. Fire alarms must be fully works and evacuation procedures displayed.

8 Suitable premises, environment continued…
Space- Children under 2yrs 3.5m2. Children aged 2 need 2.5m2. Children aged 3-5 years require 2.3m2. The premises must be for sole use during times of operation. Insurance must be kept up to date. The setting should be clean and well lit.

9 Organisation. All children's individual needs must be met.
Each child must be assigned a key person. Staff must promote equality. A balance of adult- child led activities. Including indoors and outdoors. Planned activities must be appropriate for each child's age, stage and ability.

10 Documentation. Changes in management/ committee must be put in writing to OFSTED. Settings must have written copies of their policies an d these should be available to staff and parents. Procedures must be in place and all users should be aware.

11 Documentation continued….
Data- Providers must have certain information about each child. They also need information about each staff member. Registers must be kept including times in and out. The Ofsted certificate must be on display.

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