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RT-TEX induce activation and IFN-I production by primary DCs

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1 RT-TEX induce activation and IFN-I production by primary DCs
RT-TEX induce activation and IFN-I production by primary DCs. 1 × 106 CD11c+ DCs isolated from spleens were cultured for 48 hours with TEX (30 μg) or TLR3 agonist poly:ICLC (0.025 mg/mL) and analyzed for (A and B) expression of costimulatory molecules and (... RT-TEX induce activation and IFN-I production by primary DCs. 1 × 106 CD11c+ DCs isolated from spleens were cultured for 48 hours with TEX (30 μg) or TLR3 agonist poly:ICLC (0.025 mg/mL) and analyzed for (A and B) expression of costimulatory molecules and (C and D) IFN-I pathway activation. A, Histograms showing costimulatory molecule expression on DCs cultured with PBS (CTRL: shaded gray), UT-TEX (gray line), RT-TEX (black line), and poly:ICLC (black broken line). B, Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) ± SEM of samples in each group (n = 3/group). MFI was calculated after subtracting background. C, Gene expression evaluated by qRT-PCR. D, IFNβ measured by ELISA in the supernatant of DCs. Results are representative of two independent experiments. Using a Student two-tailed t test; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.005; ***, P < ; ****, P < Julie M. Diamond et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2018;6: ©2018 by American Association for Cancer Research

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