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CS 3503 Computer Organization and Architecture

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1 CS 3503 Computer Organization and Architecture
Dr. Clincy Professor of CS Dr. Clincy Lecture

2 Course Info Labs are decoupled – self contained – explain flow issue & concern Please understand that decoupling the lab is a new approach the dept is trying (experiment) – direct issues regarding the lab to the lab instructor Dr. Clincy Lecture

3 Course Description & Outcome
Dr. Clincy Lecture

4 Tentative Course Schedule
Dr. Clincy Lecture

5 Assessment If average score is less than 70, will curve score to an average grade of 75 (explain in more details later). Ch 3’s topics are the most important and challenging topics of the course and you will be examined in two parts (one part open book and another part closed book) – worth 40% Must have a book for the course – will need it for open book exams – if you have an ebook (or pdf), you will need to print the chapters for the open book exams – letting you know the very first day Should bring a calculator to ALL open-book and closed-book exams – cannot use your phone – will receive a zero if you use your phone Teams will be comprised for the architecture final project – if team size drops below 2, the remaining team member will be re-assigned Dr. Clincy Intro

6 Lesson in Stats – Example of Curving Grades – Raw Score to Final Grade
What is an Avg ? What is the SD ? This is the curve Fitting raw scores to a curve Curve if avg is below 70 If SD is less than 10, use 10 ? = 90 + (RS-77)/1.4 ? = 80 + (RS-63)/1.4 ? = 70 + (RS-49)/1.4 ? = 60 + (RS-35)/1.4 Can all As, Bs or Cs be made with such a grading approach ? YES Dr. Clincy Lecture 6 6

7 General Policies and Expectations:
Attendance at all classes is highly encouraged but NOT required. Concepts and ideas discussed in one class are used as building blocks for more concepts and ideas in the next class. Any class session missed by the student is the student's responsibility to make up. Makeup exams will NOT be given; instead, the last exam will count in place of the missed exam. Will not drop the lowest grade. If last exam is missed, instead of a zero, 70% of the average of the other exams will be used. Exams should be returned to the Professor in class right after the review for the student to receive a grade. Grades are not logged until the students have reviewed the exams for grading mistakes (all exams except the last). If a student takes the exam from the classroom, a grading penalty of 50% will be used due to the fact the Professor has no real way of determining if the exam was tampered with or not. The Professor expects students to take advantage of office hours when needing clarification or help. You cannot attend some other course section’s lectures or exams – each course section is independent If the student requires additional materials to read or additional problems to solve in better understanding the topics and concepts, the Professor expects the student to take the initiative in locating additional materials or problems. The book’s website has solutions to some of the chapter problems. Dr. Clincy Lecture

8 General Policies and Expectations:
In being successful in this subject, expect a minimum of 2-3 hours of study per hour of lecture (6-9 hours per week) The Professor greatly supports students sending s at any time – it will be the goal of the Professor to reply to s within a 24-hour time span (not counting weekends). Lecture notes purpose: serve as a guide to the Professor – help organize and time lecture Guarantee: current lecture notes will be posted before the next up-and-coming lecture (ie. lecture notes 1 will be posted before lecture 2 occurs) See syllabus for withdrawal policy, enrollment policy, and the Academic Integrity Statement. Be sure and give me the signed copy at the next class meeting Go to my website for a syllabus and lecture notes Dr. Clincy Lecture

Why CS3501 ? I am a programmer … A Computer Scientist should have a good understanding of the “science” of a “computer” compared to other professionals Not at the level of a “Computer Engineer” Not at the level of a “Physicist” CS majors today are much more marketable if they have significant knowledge of hardware Course Constraints KSU CS is ABET Accredited National body oversees - books, exams, instructors’ credentials, curriculum, etc… Professor doesn’t have the freedom to do what ever they want You can compete with anyone nationally Can’t “waterdown” subject matter – reflected in exams, projects, the book used, etc.. jeopardizes accreditation Can’t “cherry-pick” topics because you will not study the topics that were not picked – jeopardizes your ability to be competitive and knowledgeable Course Flexibility Grading (let the students set the GRADING scale) Old fashion grading approach is out dated and doesn’t fit our subject matter or student body Subject matter changes every 2-3 years Open acceptance – Experienced guru to traditional straight out of Highschool student Professor and students focus on the subject vs the grades Your grade is relative and not absolute – explain this Is CS3501 only challenging at KSU ? It is a well known and established “stereotype” that Org&Arch is usually the most challenging “CS” course for CS majors –nationally – especially for “accredited” CS programs EE – Electromagnetic Fields I, II, III Math – Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis MD – BioChem I, II Org&Arch isn’t programming oriented Org&Arch is engineering oriented Requires deductive reasoning Right or Wrong answers – like Math and Physics Requires FULLY understanding a “concept” in securing the correct answer Memorizing problems and answers is not helpful, like Math and Physics Explain the “working many problems” versus “greatly explaining the concept” time-constraint dilemma Topics build on one another – topics are logically interrelated How can I maximize my success in CS3501? Understand the challenge of the subject matter on day one Maintain a positive attitude about learning the topics for the duration of the course Realize CS3501 requires a significant amount of studying to make average to great grades Study and learn as you go – do not only study right before the exam No Excuses: Bad Book, Bad Professor, Not enough time, Etc Don’t depend on MEMORIZING problems – understand concepts Ask questions and use office hours PROMPTLY in gathering clarity regarding concepts FOR A REFRESHER, REFER BACK TO THIS PPT SLIDE MIDWAY AND AT THE END THE COURSE Dr. Clincy 9 9

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