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Support for Effective Schools and Districts Persistently Low-Achieving

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Presentation on theme: "Support for Effective Schools and Districts Persistently Low-Achieving"— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for Effective Schools and Districts Persistently Low-Achieving
Accountability Component Scores Accountability Overall Score The Overall Score shall be a compilation of the three accountability components School/District Classifications Next-Generation Learners Raw Score Weighted Score Achievement(Proficiency) Gap Growth Readiness for College/Career Graduation Rate Total School/District Classifications Distinguished Proficient Needs Improvement Persistently Low-Achieving Component Score Next-Generation Instructional Programs and Support Raw Score Weighted Score Program Reviews Writing Program Review PL/CS Program Review A & H Total School/District Classifications Recognition and Support The Overall Score shall be used to classify schools and districts for recognition and support Component Score Distinguished Proficient Needs Improvement Next-Generation Professionals Raw Score Weighted Score Percent Effective Teachers Percent Effective Leaders Total School/District Classifications Component Score Distinguished Proficient Needs Improvement

2 Support for Effective Schools and Districts
School/District Classification Category/Qualifications District/School of High Distinction Top 5% of Classification Distinguished (may not have any persistently low-achieving schools) District/School of Distinction Those Receiving National Accreditation Proficient Proficient Districts/schools with proficient overall score On the Move Improvement in learners, instructional programs/support and professionals OR Top 10% of improvement overall Progress in needs improvement Sub-categories Proficient – On the Move Proficient districts/schools making progress Needs Improvement – On the Move Needs Improvement districts/schools making progress Top 80% of Needs Improvement Districts/Schools Supports Bottom 20% of Needs Improvement Districts/Schools Targeted Supports Needs Improvement (Low, Middle, High) Persistently Low-Achieving Bottom 5% or five, whichever is greater Support outlined by KRS

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