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Monday 16 December 2013 Week 16 Content Objectives

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1 Monday 16 December 2013 Week 16 Content Objectives
We will demonstrate application of author’s craft by constructing a text to imitate the author’s craft. Language Objectives We will read to discuss author’s voice in an excerpt using sentence stems. Bell work: Book Talk and SSR You receive points for having your SSR book today [10 min] Read silently Record what page you are on on my clipboard [5 min] Listen to my book talk Housekeeping: Have you been absent? Did you miss something important? Don’t wait for a ZERO to show up in the gradebook! Good News Share…

2 Agenda [5 min] Mentor Text: A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole Listen as I read aloud This is a model for your future book talk Writing in Notebook: Where I’m From Finish your “Where I’m From” piece Vocabulary Definitions Write the 10 words and definition in your writer’s notebook QUIZ ON FRIDAY (SPELLING AND UNDERSTANDING COUNT) [5-7 min] Closing Time Share a line or two from the book you’re reading that stand out Share a line or two from the piece you’re writing that stand out

3 Mentor Text: Giada at Home by Giada De Laurentis
Writing in Notebook [4 min] Watch and think as I write my imitation The author’s tone is ________. Giada is __________. [20 min] Choose something to imitate from the mentor text (think about personality that comes out in the tone and flavor of the piece)

4 Monday 16 December 2013 Week 16 Content Objectives
We will demonstrate analysis of tone by constructing a thinking map to show relationship of words. Language Objectives We will read to discuss author’s meaning in Walden using guiding question. Bell work: Thinking Map Tone in Dickinson’s and Thomas’ poems Create 2 multi-flow maps to show your thinking. FOR: How do you know the tone? Guiding Question: What are the causes and effects of tone? Housekeeping: Have you been absent? Did you miss something important? Don’t wait for a ZERO to show up in the gradebook! Good News Share…

5 Agenda Henry David Thoreau from Walden [3 min] Closing Time
APHORISM—a short saying or pointed statement TONE—emotional attitude toward the reader or subject from Walden Read from “Economy” pages [3 min] Closing Time Vocabulary Definitions Write the 10 words and definition QUIZ ON FRIDAY (SPELLING AND UNDERSTANDING COUNT)

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