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Achieving Wellbeing (CLA) DT Network July 4th 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Wellbeing (CLA) DT Network July 4th 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Wellbeing (CLA) DT Network July 4th 2018
Kath Alley Rob Thompson

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions 1.00 - 1.10 The Bubble
The AW Review Break STEEP analysis SDQs Good practice

3 The AW (CLA) Review Who should be involved? Creating a team approach to the AW programme Thinking ahead to how you might monitor and evaluate the AW development Completing the Needs Analysis

4 The AW (CLA) Review


6 Developing the evidence

7 Explore the Needs Analysis Explore the Bubble
First Use the extracts from the Needs analysis template (paper copy) (or use the electronic on-line version and download it) Choose 1 or 2 sections (e.g. sections 4 and/or 5) Look at the examples of evidence What further examples of evidence or metrics would you wish to apply to this area? Check out the associated Bubble modules What implications might these have for CPD provision? What is the strength of evidence you could reference for this area? Where would you place this area on the Needs analysis graph? Second Where might you place your decisions across all areas of the line graph? (Use the separate graph sheet if you wish)

8 The AW (CLA) Review The review itself:
Discussions between the coach and: DTs Leaders with oversight for CLA/disadvantage/PP/Wellbeing /Mental Health Governor(s) Key leaders e.g. En/ma/phase leads Discussion about PEPs ePEPs EHCP plans A review of evidence and progress with the needs analysis Leading to: Decisions about where best to continue with the programme. Who will be involved? When?

9 The Bubble

10 Using a STEEP analysis Social Technical Educational Environmental

11 Exploring one dimension of the STEEP analysis
Educational factors focus on barriers within the school environment, teaching and learning and the support of carers in educational achievement.  PLUS WHICH MAY INCLUDE:

12 STEEP Analysis Activity…
Select one dimension for dialogue Consider the STEEP factors What does this begin to generate in terms of: Barriers Potential Solutions Mobilising a response

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