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Chino Basin Watermaster

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Presentation on theme: "Chino Basin Watermaster"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chino Basin Watermaster
Large-Scale Storage and Recovery Program Master Plan Scope of Work July 24, 2003

2 Task Overview Develop assumptions/criteria Develop alternatives
Estimate hydrogeologic feasibility Refine alternatives Determine “value” of storage recovery Report/workshops and Other

3 Task 1 - Develop Planning Assumptions and Basin Operating Criteria
Revise asset inventory Update local producer water supply plans and projections Describe 500,000 acre-ft storage program Finalize Task 1 Memorandum

4 Task 2 - Develop Initial Storage and Recovery Operational and Facilities Alternatives
Describe in-lieu vs. export Evaluate 4 Alt. incl. 4-Cities Pipeline Evaluate CDA expansion Replenishment obligation Review storage and recovery prospects CLWA Others Develop cost opinions for all alternatives Support development of storage & recovery agreements

5 Task 3 - Estimate the Hydrogeologic Feasibility of the Planning Alternatives
Review planning alternatives Run groundwater simulations Determine impacts on: Groundwater levels Hydraulic controls Increase safe yield Plume migration

6 Task 4 - Refine Alternatives
Refine operations and facility descriptions Stake holder meetings Refine cost opinions Prepare facilities description and cost estimate

7 Task 5 - Determine "Value" of Chino Basin Storage-Recovery
Producer-Specific Facilities Cost Approach Regional Facilities Cost Approach Avoided Cost Approach Methodology to apportion benefits Conduct workshop

8 Task 6 - 8: Report Preparation and Workshops and Other
Prepare draft report Conduct first workshop Update draft report Conduct second workshop 24 meetings Prepare final report

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