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TAPS Washington Update

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1 TAPS Washington Update

2 Key Issues for the Summer/Fall
Presidential Electioneering Must Pass Items Nominations Administrative Reforms Energy Legislative Activity Cybersecurity Tax/Budget Outlook

3 Presidential Electioneering
Senators Running Sanders Warren Harris Booker Klobuchar Gillibrand Bennett*

4 Must Pass Legislation In an era of divided government, what are the critical to-do items of note? 2020 Appropriations Debt Ceiling National Flood Insurance Reauthorization Disaster Relief Appropriations Tax Extenders(?) Infrastructure(?)

5 Presidential Nominees
Senate Agenda: nominations Nuclear Option Invoked Judicial Appointments FERC Vacancies DOE Vacancies EPA Vacancies

6 Administrative Actions
Implementing Executive Orders Cybersecurity EOs EMP EO DOE Efforts to support baseload power EPA’s Continued Activity CPP Replacement Rule Mercury Rule NSR Memos

7 Energy Policy Senate Approach House Approach Green New Deal Vote
Paris Accord Vote Murkowski continues to press energy legislation Senate floor time and political messaging House Approach Leadership Agenda and Climate Change FERC Oversight Powering America Series

8 Energy Policy Hearings
Over 20 hearings in House with primary focus on climate change House Energy and Commerce Committee: Tonko Principles Document State and Local Actions to Address Climate Change Clean Energy Infrastructure and the Workforce to Build It Investing in America’s Energy Infrastructure: Improving Energy Efficiency and Creating a Diverse Workforce Senate Hearings: Status and Outlook for Cybersecurity Efforts in the Electric Sector The Electric Sector in a Changing Climate Opportunities for Energy Innovation and Other Potential Solutions to Help Address Global Climate Change Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency efforts in the United States.

9 Select Energy Legislation in House
Energy and Commerce Committee Legislation Under Consideration H.R. 2041, Weatherization Enhancement and Local Energy Efficiency Investment and Accountability Act, To reauthorize the weatherization assistance program, and for other purposes. H.R. 2043, Home Owner Managing Energy Savings (HOMES) Act of 2019, To provide for the establishment of a Home Energy Savings Retrofit Rebate Program, and for other purposes. H.R. 2044, Smart Building Acceleration Act, To accelerate smart building development, and for other purposes. H.R. 2114, Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2019, To amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to provide Federal financial assistance to States to implement, review, and revise State energy security plans, and for other purposes. H.R. 2119, To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to reauthorize grants for improving the energy efficiency of public buildings, and for other purposes. H.R. 2088, To amend the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to reauthorize the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, and for other purposes.

10 Cybersecurity Continues to be an area of intense scrutiny
Event driven response risk “Western utility” hacked with grid interruption Key policymakers support FERC/NERC process and maintaining current regulatory construct Legislation HR 359, Enhancing Grid Security through Public-Private Partnerships Act, Rep. McNearney (D-CA) HR 370, Pipeline and LNG Facility Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, Rep. Upton (R-MI) HR 1975, Cybersecurity Advisory Committee Authorization Act of 2019, Rep. Katko (R-NY) HR 360, Cyber Sense Act of 2019, Rep. Latta (R-OH) H.R.362, Energy Emergency Leadership Act, Rep. Rush (D-IL) H.R.2114, Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2019, Rep. Rush (D-IL) S.174, Securing Energy Infrastructure Act, Sen. King (I-ME)

11 Tax Reform & Budget Outlook
Tax Extenders Energy provisions Tax credit transfers Municipal bonds largely held harmless Tax Policy and Climate Change Cap and Dividend Approach FY20/21 Budget Process Sequestration as hostage Debt Ceiling

12 Infrastructure Leadership agreement on $2 Trillion No Pay-for….yet
Agenda for electric infrastructure? EV charging station funding Electrify mass transit Promote advanced transmission technologies and non-wire technology Promote deployment of energy storage technology Accelerate permitting for transmission lines Tax credits for favored industries

13 2020 Congressional Battlefield
GOP Needs 18 Seats Margin of victory D Seats 235 R Seats 199 Clinton 5+ 187 Clinton 0-5 17 3 Trump 0-5 18 2 Trump 5+ 13 194 Democrats Need 4 Seats Margin of victory D Seats 12 R Seats 22 Clinton 5+ 8 Clinton 0-5 2 Trump 0-5 1 Trump 5+ 18 House: R +28 Senate: No Change

14 Questions?

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