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OUR MISSION To improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways.

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2 OUR MISSION To improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways.

Youth have the skills needed to succeed in school and in life. FINANCIAL STABILITY Families are financially stable and independent. HEALTH Children and adults are physically and mentally healthy.

4 OUR PARTNERS Albrecht Free Clinic Friends American Red Cross
Forward Careers Big Brothers Big Sisters Full Shelf Food Pantry Boys & Girls Club Help Corner Coalition Boys & Girls Club/Kewaskum School District Heroin Task Force Interfaith Caregivers Casa Guadalupe Kettle Moraine YMCA Consumer Credit Counseling NAMI Washington County Easter Seals Prevention Network Elevate Senior Citizens Activities 4C Family Center The Threshold Family Promise Youth and Family Project Sarah – United Way Overview United Way’s largest investment area is that of Annual Sustained Funding. Every year we send out a Request for Proposals in one of our three investment areas of either Education, Income Stability, or Health. Agencies who apply are subject to a thorough process led by our allocations volunteers. In 2019 we will be partnering with 22 local agencies and coalitions as we seek long-term, sustainable, and impactful solutions to the problems facing individuals and families today. I have occasionally been asked the question, “Why give to United Way rather than give to an agency directly?” Ease of giving. Whether donors are making a leadership pledge, or giving 3$ a week, payroll deduction is one of the easiest way to earmark pre-tax philanthropic dollars to causes and communities you care about. Agency Accountability. Agencies who want to become United Way partners undergo a rigorous application process led by community volunteers. Our volunteers ask for the specifics on program details, performance metrics, outcomes, and budgetary transparency. Only agencies who successfully complete the volunteer-led application and annual program review receive funds. Fiscal Review and transparency. Our local United Way team considers it a privilege to work with donors like you and others who want to change lives and community conditions. We consider it a sacred trust that you allow us to invest your hard-earned dollars back into our community. So we review agency audits and financial data annually to make sure your donations are being invested and used appropriately. When you invest in United Way, you can be confident that your dollars are being spent wisely.

5 SPECIAL INITIATIVES Resource Center in Hartford 2-1-1 Helpline
United Way managed facility for nonprofit agencies to utilize space free of charge Sub lease contract with the County ADRC WIC And more… Focus is to growing resources for residents in Hartford area 2-1-1 Helpline Easy to remember 3-digit number Connecting residents to community programs First call referrals with 24/7 trained counselors

6 Our mission is to facilitate collaboration between employers and educators to address work-and-life- ready skills gaps, establish a talent pipeline, and build awareness of career and employment sectors and opportunities in Washington County. Sarah – United Way Overview I am incredibly excited to tell you more about United Way’s employment initiative, Inspire Washington County. The mission of Inspire is to help facilitate collaboration between employers and educators to address work-and-life-ready skills gaps, establish a talent pipeline, and build awareness of career and employment sectors and opportunities in Washington County. Why is this important? and Why United Way, you may ask? Its important because Washington County has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation at 2.1%. Many of you in this room may be facing the challenges of this shortage in the local labor market. Yet in a time when 70% of jobs don’t require a four year college degree, more than 60% of high school graduates are heading off to college this fall. Of those going on to college, only 57% of students at four-year institutions persist to degree. And many of them return home with staggering amounts of debt not prepared to actually enter the workforce with skills or jobs training. For at least the past 20 years there has been a disconnect between educators and employers. For the past three decades educators, parents, and the media told young people that a four-year degree was the only path to a stable and family sustaining job. Not every student is cut out for college. Not every student needs to go to college to have a successful career. AND not every job requires a four year degree. Today, through Inspire Washington County, we have the opportunity to change that narrative and to make students and parents aware of the excellent opportunities that exist for them here in our local communities. United Way is not in the business of economic or workforce development. But we ARE in the business of supporting programs that help individuals and families in our community become more financially stable. We ARE in the business of listening to our community when they tell us that they want us to focus on employment issues. And we ARE in the business of connecting people and programs to improve Washington County. Inspire does all of these things.

7 WHY UNITED WAY? Family Promise Homeless Hungry Full Shelf Food Pantry
Forward Careers Unemployed Falling Behind in School Boys & Girls Clubs Elevate Drug Addiction Missing School Big Brothers Big Sisters NAMI Mental Illness Uninsured Albrecht Free Clinic

8 WHY UNITED WAY? United Way Advocates Nonprofits Government Donors
Volunteers Educators Businesses Critical Issue

9 GIVE Pledge Form Pay roll deduction – a little bit from each pay check makes a big impact One time gifts or installments Designate to a specific community


11 YOUR IMPACT 3 Seniors participate in an activity to keep them healthy & socially engaged 4 Low-Income Families receive a month of food from a local food pantry 2 Children can participate in mentorship programs to improve their academic & social skills

12 Thanks to our Pacesetters!


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