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ELearning Mr. Joe Crady SAF/MGB 4 Sep 19 Version 1.0.

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1 eLearning Mr. Joe Crady SAF/MGB 4 Sep 19 Version 1.0

2 Agenda eLearning Virtual Class Project Tracker

3 eLearning eLearning requirement Online Modules Fundamental Class
Green Belt Black Belt Individual Module completion Virtual Classes Delivers AF content Establish instructor time sessions Project Tracker Uses PPSM and rubric as guide Facilitates Mentoring Feedback documented Data Module Virtual Class Project

4 eLearning Fundamental eLearning Modules (8.1 Hours) SIPOC
Mapping the Process Eight Wastes A3 (and/or) 8D Problem Solving 5S Visual Management Standard Work Error Proofing Workplace Design and Layout Flow and Pull Systems Total Productive Maintenance

5 eLearning Green Belt eLearning Modules (20.4 Hours)
Voice of the Customer Managing the Project Kaizen Event Understanding Change Facilitation Skills Effective Communications Active Listening Intro to Conflict Management Conflict Management Tools Current State Value Stream Mapping Future State Value Stream Mapping Process Based Costs What is Statistics? Organizing and Presenting Data Pareto Analysis Scatter Diagrams Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion Measurement System Analysis Introduction to Process Capability Process Capability Assessments Cause and Effect Diagrams Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Changeover Reduction Selecting the Solution Control Charts Controlling the Process Plan-Do-Check-Act

6 eLearning Black Belt eLearning Modules (15 Hours)
Managing Change Introduction to Project Management Probability Distributions - Discrete Random Variables Continuous Probability Distributions: Normal Curve Introduction to Inferential Statistics Confidence Interval for the Mean Hypothesis Tests for the Mean Comparing Means Making Inferences about Proportions Making Inferences about Variances Inferential Statistics Self Assessment ANOVA Hypothesis Testing for Nonparametric Data Simple Linear Regression Multiple Regression Introduction to Design of Experiments DOE: Basic and Full Factorial

7 eLearning Portal

8 eLearning Learner Guide

9 eLearning You can search the module to find a particular term or phrase. Your progress Exam history Module search Click to expand Written version of the module Click title or play button to launch module (icons indicate mobile compatibility)

10 Virtual Class Adobe Connect backbone Students called or call in
Intended to deliver Air Force content 1 to 2 hours in length Kickoff Step 1 - 3 Step 4 & 5 Wrap-up Step 6 - 8 To reach our ideal state we have established the first of many future states and established some key milestones for the next year. Our first key milestone is to provide standard courses and remove the variation from the current course material. This is important for many reasons but is the very foundation of our way ahead. By getting the training standardized and broken into smaller components we can better align course objectives to specific steps in the Practical Problem Solving Model. Then we can further brake up lesson into chunks to align to specific parts in each of the eight steps. Our next key milestone is to provide course objectives on demand and on command or in CPI terms Push and Pull. Initially we will be continue to push practitioner development with the ultimate goal of eliminating the need for the belt or consulting model we rely on today. While this may seem a dream to some, several of our specialties are applying CPI concepts into their kill sets today, financial management, acquisition, and logistics are just a few examples. We will also make course objectives available to pull as members grow their skills. More simply stated we can push course objectives to practitioners and allow all Airman to independently develop in areas they need. These are both key component as they supports our ideal state by transitioning to a pull system. In addition to aligning course objectives to the practical problem solving model we must be able to align tools and job aids into the appropriate steps and then further brake up tools and job aids into specific parts of the Practical Problem Solving Model. As this objectives evolves we will begin to transition into our next key objective. Having course objectives, tools, and job aids firmly aligned into the Practical Problem Solving Model will transform us into our next objective. Developing skills as part of the Practical Problem Solving Model is the next key milestone because it is a pivot point. Once we are capable of developing Airman as they apply the Practical Problem Solving Model to solutions we will be ready to transition towards our ideal state of applying these capabilities into a bigger force development ecosystem. As we take on these challenges we will feed these course objectives, tools, and job aids to the CFMs for inclusion into Career Field Education and Training Plan. So as we move on lets look at the plan to diversify CPI2.

11 Project Tracker Practitioners work through PPSM Receive Feedback
eLearning and guides aligned in tracker Uses Rubric Potential to be used for certification Assign Mentor Assign Champion You will hear more about the eLearning model tomorrow and the coming weeks as we meet with the vendor and roll out the eLearning portal; however, we will peek under the tent just a little until then to help expose your role going forward. Staying at a high level, the eLearning portal will offer fundamental, green belt classes, and prerequisites for black belt training. These will be rolled out over the coming weeks. In addition all Airman can complete modules on demand to gain CPI2 knowledge without enrolling into a formal class. In addition there is a project tracking tool that practitioners and Airman can use to complete projects through the PPSM. The eLearning portal will provide module, quiz, and test data on practitioners progress through classes and on other Airman not in class as they complete modules. In addition to the student performance data, the eLearning portal collects student survey data and this will be our data collection tool to improve training performance and our project tool. Knowing these facts are important as we move forward in understanding your role. We will be asking our MPOs and PMs to establish training goals, goals should include establishing performance goals for your PMs. These goals should align to the 5% green belt trained and 1% black belt trained targets. The eLearning portal will support this volume both in formal classes and a pull basis. Training is open to all Airman whether active duty, guard, reserve, or civilian. Contractors are not eligible under our license agreement; however, they can enroll through their company directly with the vendor. The project tracker should take Airman through each step in the PPSM and provide feedback prior to moving to the nest step. To support these efforts we will be asking MPOs to establish black belt instructors for the virtual classes. We intend on having a “Kick off” virtual class to set expectations and set schedule and office time for students to contact instructors. We will also be requesting black/green belt mentors to mentor students through the project tracker. We are asking our MPOs to challenge their PMs to engage our new Airman through new comers orientation programs (FTAC, onboarding, in processing) Have new Airman complete the fundamental training and attend the virtual class, target time for virtual class is 30 minutes. By actively pushing eLearning Airman can acquire the knowledge they need to improve and innovate and use the project tracker to hone their skills and implement their improvements and innovations. PM should actively monitor ideascale and encourage ideators to use eLearning to help them grow their knowledge to advance their ideas. Additionally, they should encourage Airman to use the project tracker to grow their skills to advance their ideas. As we move forward we will be asking our PMs to start to engage Airman on improving task performance, supervisors on process performance, leaders on organization performance and senior leaders on enterprise performance as we discussed on the diversify CPI2 section of this briefing. As we move ahead we will share best tools, knowledge sources, skills development practices and share lessons learned and will ask for your data also. Non of these objectives can be achieved without our MPOs, WPMs, and practitioners support, the road will be curved and full of challenges we will need to overcome together over the coming years. I will be available during the breaks, meals and evening for specific questions so please engage as needed. On the back of my card is the address for ideascale for those of you that may not have the address.

12 Questions Hold questions if time does not permit.

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