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Report Back Tech Consultations Target Setting: Social Enablers

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Presentation on theme: "Report Back Tech Consultations Target Setting: Social Enablers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Back Tech Consultations Target Setting: Social Enablers
George Ayala, PsyD MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health and Rights

2 About the Consultation
Convened experts: social scientists, implementers, human rights advocates, leadership of global, regional, national key population networks 3-day meeting to exam current state of the field and deliberate inputs for target setting

3 Consensus No longer possible to claim that there is ‘not enough evidence’ to act Lack of evidence is not lack of impact Social enablers must be contextualized – i.e., shrinking civil society space, violence, criminalization Communities must be centered in the global HIV, health responses Leveraging development synergies towards achieving outcomes across pressing issues – i.e., health, education, SRHR, poverty Need to clarify what is meant by social enablers vs. barriers

4 Expanded List of Social Enablers
Cross-cutting issues: human rights, including the right to health political will and commitment - investment community systems strengthening Laws, policies, practices, enforcement (decriminalization) Access to justice Community-led organizations Addressing stigma, discrimination Gender equity SRHR Addressing violence – prevention and response Economic justice, security, livelihood (poverty, housing stability, work, social capital)

5 Next Steps – What to Expect
Consultation report – in process – review for accuracy and framing Outputs directly related to Target setting across thematic and service areas Updated UNAIDS investment framework global partnerships to reduce stigma and discrimination Promotion of human rights-based approaches to HIV Advocacy

6 Acknowlegement

7 Thank You!

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