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GOD’S OMNIPOTENCE The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the World and they that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1).

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Presentation on theme: "GOD’S OMNIPOTENCE The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the World and they that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1)."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOD’S OMNIPOTENCE The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the World and they that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1).

2 GOD God has never failed at anything!
OUR GOD has never failed at anything! The TRUE AND LIVING GOD cannot fail at anything!

3 GOD He brought the Redeemer, Jesus Christ Our Lord, into the world successfully and safely despite intense and focused satanic opposition in the cosmic realm, and despite human failure in the millennia-long historical processes controlled by satan. He will bring the Church, Christ’s body, successfully and safely through the rest of its history despite appearances to the contrary.

God’s view of the Church, its existence, its development, its growth, its struggles, its successes and failures, its earthly journey and ultimate victory in human history and beyond, is vitally important to us as leaders, and to the Church in general throughout the world. She is the project of the Almighty Doer, with frail human vessels as His partners. His divine presence and sponsorship is her guarantee!

5 General Purposes of the Church
The Generally accepted purposes of the Christian Church include: Worship (Communion) Fellowship (Community) Evangelism (Commission) Discipleship (Spiritual Formation/Equipping) Service/ministry (Social Benefit to Church and Community) Presence (Modeling as a God-centered People)

6 The Principle of Correction
Throughout Christian history, beginning with the earliest records in the Acts of the Apostles, God, through the Holy Ghost, has given constant guidance, correction, and renewal to His people both through external pressures (such as persecution and suffering) as well as through internal Movements that God has raised up within the Church to restore particular authorities (Word and Spirit) along with certain emphases and doctrines.

7 The Principle of Correction
This principle of correction both renews and restores the Church’s integrity as the People of God in the world. Without God’s intervention the Church would have disappeared long ago.

8 The Role of Movements At this stage of the Church’s history it is important to understand the role/s of the Movements God has raised up from time to time. In this vein we will focus particularly on understanding some of the reasons God raised up the one Historical Movement that became, over time and in the midst of difficulties, two corrective expressions of the Church: The Church of God/The Church of God of Prophecy.

9 Movements Movements (led of the Spirit) speak from within the historical stream of the Church to the Church herself and generally their word of correction is not readily accepted. In fact, it is generally despised and ridiculed by the historic leadership administrations that rule the Church at the time of the correction.

10 Movements Individuals used by the Holy Spirit in bringing corrections often begin and end their work and their lives without fully understanding all that God was doing, so succeeding generations must pick up the mantle of their legacy, further clarify the corrections, and carry on until their term is over and others come on board to continue God’s continual redemptive process, until Jesus comes.

Our Church (Church of God of Prophecy) is part of that Historical Movement of the Spirit that God raised up at the turn of the twentieth century to call attention to certain aspects of the Protestant Reformation (correctives if you will) that were neglected or that fell short of the Biblical standard in their efforts to reform or renew the historical church.

One of our early leaders’ main concerns (next to the place of the Word of God within the Church) was the neglect of the sovereign role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church in an active, directional, and intentional way. We will encounter some of the functions which in the historical church needed restoration as we survey our own history with the complete assurance that God is fully in charge despite human failures!

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