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Self Assessment Arthur Chester Allen Suggs Troop Guides

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1 Self Assessment Arthur Chester Allen Suggs Troop Guides
Today we will be looking at project planning

2 Secret bow, arrows and glasses. HUD to auto correct arrow flight
Secret bow, arrows and glasses. HUD to auto correct arrow flight. Can look shoot at left target but bullseye the target in her own lane.

3 Self Assessment Self assessment is on the Woodbadge pentagon a Tool of the Trade

4 Tools of the Trade

5 Assessing Team Performance
Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing Each Troop Meeting has been assessed Your patrol will assess its presentation You will be asked to assess this course Enthusiasm and Skills determine group development stage. SPL – How are you feeling? How are we doing? You will assess yourself as to how well you did with your projects. You will be asked to fill out a survey for this course.

6 Course Assessment: Appropriate Phrases
Best training ever Life Altering Leadership Nirvana I am self-actualizing I feel like I underpaid Let’s start our own country!!

7 Self-Assessment Some think Self-assessment means reviewing yourself.

8 Tips for Giving Feedback
Rule 1: Must be helpful! Rule 2: Person must be receptive! Deal with behavior that can be changed. Specifics and not generalities Describe the behavior. Don’t evaluate it. What is the impact of the behavior on you? Use “I” statements – take responsibility Ask recipient to rephrase what you said. If your words are not intended to help or improve, then what are they? If the person is not receptive to receiving feedback then one of two outcomes will occur: 1) the feedback will not be received and the effort will have been wasted. Or 2) the feedback may be received, misinterpreted and cause the wrong reaction, maybe offending the recipient. No generalities especially when the feed back may be perceived as negative – You always, you never. Did not speak to Webelos parents at Troop / Webelos night. Behavior – You spoke for 30 minutes straight at the last two committee meetings. I need the information you have but I also must be home at a decent time. Reprhrase – This is a tough one. Now tell me what I just told you.

9 You can give caring feedback without a good technique…
but the slickest technique in the world will not hide a lack of caring. You may fumble at delivering a heartfelt assessment. Work at this. Fake feedback will reveal itself, maybe not now, but in the future.

10 Tips for Receiving Feedback
Seek out Feedback. Listen Carefully (Listen to Learn). Listen Actively. Restate the Feedback. Listen empathetically – context. Acknowledge your personal feelings when receiving feedback. Seek – Best time to get FB. You are open. You asking shows respect for that person or at least their perspective is important. Listen – Just take it. Look it over later. Sort it, re-arrange it, try to put it in the right context. Listen actively – Absorb the specifict words you are being told. If you repeat them, you are listening. You can rephrase them, you understand the message Keep track of your feelings during the feedback session. This is not an intervention. You asked for this. If you are irritated then you are less likely to get the whole message. If you are giddy and jumping up and down, you may get carted away.

11 There is a tool for this…
Formal process…

12 360 Review

13 360 Assessment Ask for feedback… …from Stakeholders
Peers People that report to you People that you report to Results used to develop plan towards goals This will require a measured amount of humility. The feed back will be in written form. The Stakeholders have a higher than average interest in you’re the success of your goals. They may not have as a high and interest in you specifically. Example – High adventure trip. Parent is interested you but more interested child attending event.

14 360: Step by Step Choose goals for your assessment (SMART)
Choose Facilitator who knows 360 Develop relevant survey Identify 5 to 10 stakeholders to survey Facilitator compiles survey data Use data/comments to assess youself and the goals SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based Stakeholder responses are confidential. Facilitator – keep it real Relevant survey – focussed Stake holders – close to the goals not too few not too many. Too few and info will lack depth. Too many and info maybe too cumbersome. Compile survey – Don’t peek. Compare current survey data and goals. Do they align.

15 Developing the 360 Degree Survey
Clear instructions for Stakeholder Survey Questions must be relevant to goals Empty questions cause useless feedback Allowed responses can be simple Green, Yellow, Red Light Way to go, Ways to Grow Start, Stop, Continue Encourage comments with specifics. If the stakeholder can misinterpret any part of the survey then that part becomes useless. Questions specific to Goals.

16 Assessment as a Tool for Leading Change
Self Assessment can lead to positive change An adjustment toward our goals Lead change by teaching assessment First-hand experience from this course? Inform others of the value of periodic assessment. Bonus… develop relationships


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