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Conceptual framework illustrating drivers and barriers in accessing care in public and private facilities and what influences this. Conceptual framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Conceptual framework illustrating drivers and barriers in accessing care in public and private facilities and what influences this. Conceptual framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conceptual framework illustrating drivers and barriers in accessing care in public and private facilities and what influences this. Conceptual framework illustrating drivers and barriers in accessing care in public and private facilities and what influences this. The top two tiers pertain to governance. The middle two tiers pertain to dynamic relationships between different health sector actors and service delivery. The bottom tier pertains to the role of individuals, households and communities. Drivers and barriers of access to the private and public sector are to the left and right of the service delivery block respectively. Trust and the themes that emerged with respect to it are at the centre of the framework. Adapted from ‘A system framework on access to medicines- implications for research and policy’ by Bigdeli et al.1 Praveen Kumar Aivalli et al. BMJ Glob Health 2018;2:e000644 © World Health Organization [2018]. Licensee BMJ.

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