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The Six Basic Principles

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Presentation on theme: "The Six Basic Principles"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Six Basic Principles
Of the U.S. Constitution

2 Articles of the Constitution
Section Subject Preamble States the purpose of the Constitution Article I Legislative Branch Article II Executive Branch Article III Judicial Branch Article IV Relations among the States Article V Amending the Constitution Article VI National debts, supremacy of law, oaths of office Article VII Ratifying the Constitution

3 The Basic Principles Popular Sovereignty
Preamble: “We the People of the United States...” Power comes from the people People give power through the Constitution Limited Government Constitutionalism - govt. must obey Constitutional law “Congress shall make no law...”

4 The Basic Principles Separation of Powers 3 branches of government
“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many...may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ~The Federalist No. 47 Separation of Powers 3 branches of government Stronger govt. but limited power Checks and Balances Each branch of govt. is subject to restraint Prevents “an unjust combination of the majority.”


6 The Basic Principles Judicial Review
Power of courts to determine if govt. acts are Constitutional Not actually “stated” in the Constitution The Federalist Papers Federalism Central govt. & several regional govts.

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