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Chapter 7The Health Care System

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1 Chapter 7The Health Care System

2 The Health Care System Health Care Providers
People Primary health care providers Initial contact with health care system Health maintenance Treatment of illnesses Institutions Organizations

3 The Health Care System Health Care Facilities
Buildings or locations where health care is provided Hospitals Provide health care Are medical education centers Types of hospitals Public or private Classifications Acute care general, specialty, size, length of stay

4 The Health Care System Patient Care Units Primary diagnosis
Amount of care needed Progressive care Intensive care Intermediate care Self-care Long-term care

5 The Health Care System Doctors’ offices Other Facilities
Nursing homes (SNF, ICF) Rehabilitation centers Free-standing surgical centers Dialysis centers Doctors’ offices Local health departments Industrial health centers Community mental health centers

6 The Health Care System Health Care Service
Describes the actual delivery of health care by health care workers Includes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses Include providing care during an illness

7 The Health Care System Health Care Regulation, Approval, Accreditation, and Standards of Excellence Health Care Regulation Methods designed to control quality of health care and cost Developed by governmental bodies Health Care Approval Minimum regulatory standards a facility must meet

8 The Health Care System Health Care Accreditation
Process of examining operation of a facility using written standards of excellence Mandatory if receives federal or state government funds Standards of Excellence Certificate awarded for exceeding requirements Magnet status The Baldrige award

9 The Health Care System Regulation and Primary Health Care Providers
Mandatory licensure by each state Professional codes of ethics Approval and Accreditation of Hospitals Approval by State Department of Health Accreditation a voluntary process Mandatory Medical educational program sponsor Receive federal payments

10 The Health Care System Approval and Accreditation of Long-Term Care Facilities State approval and standards for accreditation designed for long-term care facility activities Approval and Accreditation of Home and Community Health Care Organizations License to operate CHAP, JCAHO, CMS

11 The Health Care System Approval of Other Health Care Facilities
JCAHO, AOA, CHAP, and CMS Regulation of Agencies that Receive Medicare and Medicaid Payments Intended to help control cost of health care

12 The Health Care System Quality Assurance, Peer Review, and Risk Management Programs Ensure patients receive quality care in a safe environment Evaluation and improvement of level of service to patients Minimally accepted levels of care Lowest possible cost

13 Health Care Financing Private Insurance Government Insurance
Fee-for-service (Indemnity) Prepaid (managed care plans) Government Insurance Social security act of 1965 Medicare Medicaid SCHIP (1997)

14 Controlling Health Care Costs
Diagnosis-Related Groups Prospective Payment System (1983) Ensuring profit while providing necessary care Other Cost-Controlling Programs Utilization review Quality management Critical pathways and care maps Pay for performance (P4P)

15 Health Care and the U.S. Government
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of health and human services Department of education DHHS CDC prevents and controls disease, injury, and disability FDA Foods, medicines, and cosmetics

16 Health Care and the U.S. Government
HRSA Leadership in planning and delivery of health services NIH Institutes and centers engaged in research HIS Native American, Indians, and Alaskan CMS Administered Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, HIPAA

17 State and Local Health Departments
Administer insurance programs Licensing Educational materials and information Report communicable disease data to CDC Keep vital statistics Manage sanitation Provide safe water supply Provide child and school health services

18 Private Organizations that Support the Health Care System
Contribute to the health of our society Receive funding through fund drives, individual contributions, business and corporate gifts, and donations Support research and treatment People-to-people programs

19 Issues and Concerns Health Care System Health Care Providers
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—2010 Health Care System Difficult to navigate Health Care Providers Shortage of primary care providers Future role of multipurpose worker Health Care Facilities Financial challenges

20 Issues and Concerns Health Care Services
Equal access to health care services for all citizens Health Care Approval, Accreditation, and Standards of Excellence Cost of accreditation Cost and maintenance of standards of excellence certificate

21 Issues and Concerns Health Care Financing Increased number of elderly
Medicare costs Expensive treatments Cost of finding cures Lawsuit settlements Investments for advances in technology Cost of creating electronic health records

22 Question Is the following statement true or false?
Health care services include prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness as well and the actual delivery of health care.

23 Answer True Rationale: Health care service is a term used to describe the actual delivery of health care by health care workers. Health care service includes the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses. It also includes providing care during an illness.

24 Question Cost controlling measures include: A. Managed care plans
B. Utilization review C. Fee-for-service D. Medicare

25 Answer B. Utilization review
Rationale: Managed care is a form of private insurance. Fee-for-service is a form of private insurance. Medicare is a form of government insurance

26 Question State and local health departments are responsible for:
A. Foods, medicines, and cosmetics B. Engaging in research C. Reporting communicable disease data to CDC D. Administering Medicare and Medicaid

27 Answer C. Reporting communicable disease data to CDC
Rationale: A, B, and D are responsibilities of the U.S. government. The FDA is responsible for foods, medicines, and cosmetics. The NIH is responsible for research. Medicare and Medicaid are administered by the U.S. government.

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