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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Comment resolutions for MAC] Date Submitted: [April 1, 2008] Source: [Hiroshi Harada (1), Chang woo Pyo, Zhou Lan, Fumihide Kojima, Chin-Sean Sum, Tuncer Baykas, Junyi Wang, Hiroyuki Nakase, Ruhei Funada, Shuzo Kato, Ismail Lakkis (2)] Company [National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)] Address1[3-4 Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa , Japan] Voice1:[ ] , FAX1: [ ] Address2 [10875, Rancho Bernardo Rd#108, San Diego, CA, USA] Voice2:[ ] , FAX2: [ ] [] Re: [In response to TG3c Call for Proposals (IEEE P c)] Abstract: [Comment resolutions for MAC] Purpose: [To be considered in TG3C baseline document.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributors acknowledge and accept that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 Summary of Comment Resolution
The table shown below summarizes 90 comments Type of Comment Total Technical Editorial Responded Open All 90 53 19 18 PHY 36 21 3 12 MAC 34 23 8 Beamforming BF 7 6 1 Others (OFDM related) 13 9 2 This document resolved 6 MAC comments categorized by channel probing, UEP and missing definition 2 comment resolutions for channel probing (#16, #38) 3 comment resolutions for UEP (#17, #35, #36) 1 comment resolution for missing definition (#89) 3 PHY and 6 beamforming open comments will be discussed at the following teleconference (8 April, 2008)

3 Comment #16 (Definition of channel status information)
What is the definition of the value of the Channel Status Information field? Answer According to the resolution of comment #38, Channel probing response will be eliminated. So the Channel Status Information field will be eliminated as well Instead, the channel status information will be put in the ACK frame and reported back by receiver during channel probing procedure The new definition of channel status information in ACK frame is in next slide

4 Channel status information in ACK frame
Suggestions for feedback in channel probing (from ) Channel status valid:1 bit to indicate following channel status information is valid. RSSI: use 4 bits, 2 dB steps relative to the receiver’s sensitivity, starting with 0000 – 0 dB, 0001 – 2 dB, ..., 1110 – 28 dB, > 30 dB. SINR: Estimated SNR at decision point of receiver . From 0dB to 30 dB with 2dB step (0000 stands for 0dB, 1111 stands for 30dB) Suggested Channel Estimation Sequence (CES) Length: use 2bits, suggested CES length of short or long from the receiver to the transmitter FER: from 10-1 to 10-2 with 10 times step Status of current MCS: 2 bits to indicate the channel is ok or not for current MCS Detailed bit assignment refers to the resolution of comment #89

5 Comment #38 (channel probing)
Can we use the existing facilities in b to accomplish this (channel probing) in a manner that improves the performance. Answer Yes, ACK frame (Imm-ACK, Dly-ACK, Imp-ACK) defined in b can be used to realize what is intended for channel probing Channel probing response command proposed in DF2 can be eliminated Suggested solution is given in the following slides

6 Differences from old channel probing defined in DF2
CTAs needed One CTA for both channel probing and streaming (new) Separated CTAs for channel probing and streaming (DF2) Data for measuring channel status Regular data frame (new) Special channel probing sequence (DF2) Method to report back channel status information Use ACK frame (new ) Channel probing response command (DF2)

7 Suggested channel probing procedure (1/2)

8 Suggested channel probing procedure (2/2)
A DEV may firstly request a CTA of length calculated based on base rate ( b ) The Src DEV may send empty data frames with ACK policy set to Imm-ACK or Dly-ACK The Dest DEV, upon receiving the empty frames, feedbacks the estimated SNR, BER and suggested / highest MCS back to Src with Imm-ACK or Dly-ACK (using fragmentation field defined in MAC header) The DEV determines the appropriate MCS based on information feedback by ACK and modifies the CTA length based on the new MCS ( b ) Streaming with the new MCS The receiver constantly reports back channel status with Imm-ACK, Dly-ACK(1 bit in ACK to indicate the channel status information is valid) If the channel becomes worse than expected, pause current streaming and go to step 2 for channel probing again

9 Suggested modification from DF2
Modify the DEV to DEV channel probing procedure as indicated in the previous slides Remove channel probing response command Remove MLME-SAP as suggested in Remove PNC to DEV channel probing as suggested in Remove the special stream index defined for channel probing as suggested in

10 Comments #17 & #36 (UEP) Comment #17
Can this be done with an information element? Also, there are some updates to the frame format that need to be reviewed. Resolution Yes. Capability IE can be used for exchanging UEP capability. Capability IE for UEP capable field (5bits) is updated Comment #36 Rather than using commands, if the UEP capabilities are exchanged as part of the normal capabilities exchange, then the commands are not needed. That is right. Capability IE is used for exchanging UEP capability rather than creating new command frame capabilities. Suggest to eliminate UEP commands from baseline document DF2

11 UEP capable field in Capability IE (1/2)
5 bit UEP capable field (2bits for SC/HSI-OFDM/AV-OFDM indication and 3bits for UEP field) in Capability IE is sufficient, no commands or extra IEs required UEP capable field b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 SC/HSI-OFDM/AV-OFDM UEP capable indication UEP Field 2bits for SC/HSI-OFDM/AV-OFDM UEP capable indication b0 b1 SC/HSI/AV-OFDM Capable indication No UEP Capable 1 SC UEP Capable HSI-OFDM UEP Capable AV-OFDM UEP Capable

12 UEP capable field in Capability IE (1/2)
3bit UEP field in SC UEP capable b2 b3 b4 HSI-OFDM UEP Capable& AV-OFDM UEP Capable No UEP Capable 1 Type 1 capable for MCS of QPSK/RS/LDPC Type 1 capable with MCS of 16QAM/RS/LDPC Type 2 capable for MCS of QPSK/RS/LDPC Type 2 capable for MCS of 16QAM/RS/LDPC Type3 with MCS only Type3 with skewed constellation only Type3 with MCS and skewed constellation 3bit UEP field in AV/HSI-OFDM UEP capable (IEEE /0174r0) b2 b3 b4 HSI-OFDM UEP Capable& AV-OFDM UEP Capable No UEP Capable 1 Type 1 capable Type 2 capable Type3 with MCS only Type3 with skewed constellation only Type3 with MCS and skewed constellation Reserved

13 Appendix1 : UEP for SC/HSI-OFDM/AV-OFDM
Outer FEC MSB LSB QPSK RS (255,239) LDPC(576,288) LDPC(576,432) LDPC(576,504) - 8QAM 16QAM UEP for HSI-OFDM Outer FEC MSB LSB QPSK 0.94 1/2 3/4 7/8 16QAM UEP for AV-OFDM MSB LSB UEP QPSK 4/7 4/5 16QAM MSB only retransmission 1/3 N/A 2/3

14 Comment # 35 (UEP) Comment Resolution
There needs to be a way for the upper layer that is the source of data to say if the use of UEP is allowed for the data stream. Resolution For the use of UEP, MAC-SAP can be extended for this. In MAC-ISOCH-DATA.request primitive, a parameter [UEPRequested] to tell lower layer that upper layer requires to use UEP needs to be defined. The other direction, in the MAC-ISOCH-DATA.confirm primitive, the ReasonCode needs be extended to report back the UEP capability of lower layer.

15 MAC-SAP extension for UEP
MAC-ISOCH-DATA.request ( RequestID, StreamIndex, TransmitTimeout, MaxRetries, SNAPHeaderPresent, ACKRequested, ConfirmRequested, UEPRequested, Length, Data ) MAC-ISOCH-DATA.confirm TransmitDelay, ResultCode, ReasonCode Name Type Valid range Description UEPRequested Boolean TRUE FALSE Indicates if the request requires using UEP Name Type Valid range Description ReasonCode Enumeration TRANSMIT_TIMEOUT, MAX_RETRIES, NOT_ASSOCIATED, UEP_NOT_SUPPORT, OTHER The reason for the request failure

16 Comment #89 (missing definition)
missing definition of the following fields: (a) UEP field (b) Transmit Beam Number filed, (c) Received Beam Number field, (d) Beam Status Information field, (e) Channel Status Information field Resolutions (a) UEP field (refer to comment #17 & #36) (b) and (c) will be replaced by beamforming IEs. These will be shown in beamforming comment resolutions (d) is changed: “SINR table” for best SNR beam pair tracking The SNR table is the same as in defined in(e) (e) is designed to include RSSI, SINR, suggested CES length, and FER

17 Possible results obtained from channel status information
RSSI SINR R.M.S delay spread Possible results Small Small/large Signal is weak, more robust transmission scheme (e.g. Common Rate) needed. Large Strong interference. Signal is strong, delay spread is short. Short CES can be suggested. No equalization required in receiver. Signal is strong, delay spread is long. Long CES can be suggested. Equalization required in receiver. Knowledge of R.M.S delay spread helps to determine the channel estimation sequence (CES) length Knowledge of FER helps to confirm the fulfillment of the target FER required for specific applications

18 Bit assignment of Channel State Information field (1/4)
RSSI SINR RSSI [dB] Bit assignment 0000 2 0001 4 0010 6 0011 . 30 1110 Reserved 1111 SINR [dB] Bit assignment 0000 2 0001 4 0010 6 0011 . 30 1110 Reserved 1111 10dB below receiver sensitivity 20dB above receiver sensitivity Reference point for RSSI=0dB: 10dB below Receiver sensitivity

19 Bit assignment of Channel State Information field (2/4)
Suggested Channel Estimation (CES) Length Suggested CES length Bit assignment Long CES 00 Short CES 01 Reserved 10-11 Suggested CES length will be sent from the receiver to the transmitter based on the current channel condition (i.e delay spread) Long CES: Golay codes a(256) and b(256) with prefixes and postfixes (0.59us) Short CES: Golay codes a(128) and b(128) with prefixes and postfixes (0.3us)

20 Bit assignment of Channel State Information field (3/4)
Frame Error Rate (FER) FER Bit assignment Corresponding BER 10-1 0000 10-5 10-2 0001 10-6 10-3 0011 10-7 . 10-10(TBD) 1001 10-14(TBD) Reserved PER-to-BER converted by PER=1-(1-(2048*8)*BER)

21 Bit assignment of Channel State Information field (4/4)
Status of current MCS Status of current MCS according to the channel condition Bit assignment Channel is bad for current MCS 00 Channel is ok for current MCS 01 Channel is too good for current MCS (higher level MCS can be used) 10 Reserved 11

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