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Presentation by: Student 1 as Cassius & Octavius’ Servant Student 2 as Brutus Student 3 as Antony.

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1 Presentation by: Student 1 as Cassius & Octavius’ Servant Student 2 as Brutus Student 3 as Antony


3 Shakespeare’s Relevance to Modern Society
Made contributions to the way people think and behave. Share similar themes with gang culture: honor, loyalty, respect, brotherhood, hierarchy The characters struggle with the same issues that playgoers do Different characters that people can associate and relate to Some people wonder whether Shakespeare is still relevant today.

4 Things to ponder… How do you think Julius Caesar can relate to gang culture? Can you think of some other subcultures that can relate to Julius Caesar? Is there any other relevance to modern society?

5 Code of Honor & Re$pect Gangs must maintain and live by a code of honor. Secrecy, loyalty, and respect Loyalty in “Julius Caesar” Antony’s loyalty to Caesar Brutus and the conspirators Quotes “Friends am I with you all, and love you all, / Upon this hope, that you shall give me reasons / Why and wherein Caesar was dangerous” (III.I ). “That’s all I seek; / And am moreover suitor that I may / Produce his body to the market-place, / And in the pulpit, as becomes a friend, / Speak in the order of his funeral” (III.I ).

6 Code of Honor & Respect (cont.)
Even though Caesar is dead, they still have enough respect to honor him a funeral. “And that we are contented Caesar shall / Have all true rites, and lawful ceremonies” (III.I ).

7 Turf Wars Righteous endeavor: could mean participating in a crime together to avenge a violation of territory or turf by another gang. Fear of Caesar gaining too much territory. Main reason for killing Caesar  too much territory “Mark Antony, here, take you Caesar’s body. / You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, / But speak all good you can devise of Caesar” (III.I ). “And you shall speak / In the same pulpit whereto I am going, / After my speech is ended” (III.I ). “There shall I try, / In my oration, how the people take / The cruel issue of these bloody men” (III.I ).

8 Brotherhood Gang members are considered to be a part of a family.
Sense of community with each other. Conspirators turned themselves into a gang. They shared a common cause: killing Caesar. “Our arms and strength of malice, and our hearts / Of brothers’ temper, do receive you in / With all kind love, good thoughts, and reverence” (III.I ).

9 Hierarchy Gangs are organized, functioning under a designated hierarchy. They are sometimes ruled by a council of leaders representing each faction. “Your voice shall be as strong as any man’s / In the disposing of new dignities” (III.I ).

10 Works Cited Nabors, Robert L. “USAREUR Pamphlet ” Federation of American Scientists, 10 Mar Web 17 Apri < Nawojczyk, Steve. “Street Gang Dynamics.” The Nawojczyk Group, Web. 18 Apri <

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